Pole dancing…

Sorry… you deserve better than that. That was a shallow, self-serving attempt to lure more hits to my blog by catering to perverts who spend all day looking for pictures of scantily clad women. I am so shameless that even this despicable trick is not beneath me. On the other hand, if I lure even one pervert to my blog, and he spends a few minutes reading some words instead of looking at dirty pictures, isn’t that a victory for all of us?

Here you go, perverts, one sexy pole dancing picture just for you…

a 1Glad we got that out of the way. And look how good I look. The new gym membership is really paying off. But why is my head so big? I should look into that. Might be a side effect of the exercise.

The title of this post was supposed to be; Poll dancing…

Because I am taking a poll.

From all of you.

I am not one of those people who is ever going to do a post that starts off with: ‘I don’t really have anything to talk about today’, or some variation of that. I have too many ideas. I have often said that my brain is just a small cage full of squirrels on crack. And they are going crazy in there.

I have reached a point on this blog where I can take a break from some of my regular antics. I have bombarded you with pleas to buy my action/comedy science fiction novel. I have done endless Photoshop pictures making fun of Dick Cheney and life in general. I have written you poems, told stories from my life, shared photos of my adventures, and acted the fool for your entertainment. I have shown you my art, and played you my songs.

So where should we go from here?

I can take off in an entirely new direction if that is what you wish. Or I can just continue on in my own crazy and unfocused way. So go ahead, scroll through my old posts. Click on something that catches your eye. Tell me what strikes you as funny. What’s the worst that can happen? You waste a few minutes of your life? You were probably going to do that anyway.

I know what you are thinking. That this is just another of my shameless attempts to get more hits on my blog by having you spend more time here and click on a few more posts. And you are absolutely right.

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear what you have to say.

And now, one more sexy pole dancing picture for my loyal perverts…

a 2Oh man… I kill me…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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101 Responses to Pole dancing…

  1. Do you have an extra pair of sunglasses…MY EYES!!! ahhhh!

    I have one suggestion…More of your art! I love your art! (Hey that’s in part your name!)

  2. benzeknees says:

    I love the pole dancing puppy! You on a pole, not so much. Just keep doing what you’re doing now, after all you have us all eating out of the palm of your hand, don’t you?

  3. PUPPY!!!! Awwwwww……

  4. Maybe sing your songs while pole dancing? Love your writing and admire your style…

  5. marciayouravonlady says:

    I think you should just keep going the way you are because this is YOU! see my reply to justaregularcrazyspiritualhuman. i think I spelled that right… LOL

    • I did see it… and I will let you in on a secret… I always do exactly what I was going to do. But I do get some good crazy ideas from people now and then. I just do my own particular take on them.

  6. Is it possible to follow same blog twice???

    You know by now I deserve a visit for cleverness….
    call me desperate!!!!

  7. I gotta say with sincerity that I might be falling for you. Your insanity is genuine…. and it cries out to a soft spot in me. Trent and I are happy to be in same asylum with you.

  8. elroyjones says:

    The like button is broken.

  9. twindaddy says:

    It’s your blog, man. Write about what you want to write about.

  10. Trent Lewin says:

    God my eyes hurt. Now as for your previous posts, I like them pretty much all, and now I have to say that I think you need a post of odd animals and other freaks pole dancing. Sadly, I’m a little hooked at this point.

  11. Clever. Maybe I should post a link here in hopes of getting some of those hits you get 🙂

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