Tag Archives: pirates of the caribbean

Reflecting upon mortality… part 4…

I would love to wax philosophical at this point, and say something brilliant about death and back stabbing… but I really just want to point out that this particular piece of art is a painting I did of one of … Continue reading

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Reflecting upon mortality… part 4…

I always liked this one dead pirate in Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride. He went down fighting. He went not gently into that good night. He spit in death’s eye, aiming his pistol into death’s face. That is what … Continue reading

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Reflecting upon mortality… part 2…

Dead men tell no tales… but I think, for this series, the crack squirrels living in my head want me to actually reflect upon the idea of our own mortality, not just do interesting ‘reflection’ art. So I will try … Continue reading

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The worst porno movies ever… and yes, I feel bad about this… part 21…

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Name that piece of Art… part 30…

Well, we are really moving through this new game of mine where you have to impress us with your ability to come up with clever and amusing names for my works of art with me… Art… in them. I think … Continue reading

Posted in My art, Pictures of me | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Weird things I do to entertain myself… because I’m weird… part 5…

I like to wear my Captain Jack Sparrow pirate hat… The only place I don’t wear it is at Disneyland. And the only time I don’t wear it is around Halloween… Nope, I wear it when I am blogging… I … Continue reading

Posted in Pictures of me, Stories of my life, thinking about stuff | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 24 Comments

Breaking news from Disneyland…

Late last night, those rum-swilling pirates from the Caribbean went on a rampage, looting and pillaging It’s A Small World… Details are still sketchy, but our intrepid reporter did manage to sneak in and take these exclusive photos. Strangely, as … Continue reading

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Why I would make an awesome pirate… Part 2…

It has been suggested that I use Kickstarter to have you all chip in some cash so we can buy an actual pirate ship. Then we can set sail and rove the bounding main in search of booty… don’t turn that into … Continue reading

Posted in funny famous people pictures, My art, Pictures of me | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 86 Comments

Why I would make an awesome pirate… Part 1…

I have had it pointed out to me that my new Disneyland pirate hat might be mistaken for the tricorn hats now being used as a symbol of the Tea Party. Like the beads, fake dreadlocks and bandana aren’t enough … Continue reading

Posted in My art, Pictures of me, thinking about stuff | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 183 Comments

There is one thing…

… that makes Disneyland the coolest place on Earth. That is the hats. You can get some wicked cool hats there. And even normal people can walk around for the day in a weird hat without feeling out-of-place. Thank goodness … Continue reading

Posted in My travels, Pictures of me, Stories of my life | Tagged , , , , , , | 52 Comments