Well, these are almost the last of the photos from my recent adventure to the Bay Area…

I will have a post or two of the sunset photos I took from the Berkeley Hills, of the sun setting over San Francisco. And some pictures of the city itself.

I don’t know what those are called. Cat Tails?

But I like them.

The rest of these photos are from a walk I took around the block where I grew up.

Escept for the last few bird shots, which are from my mom’s backyard.

So, how about this election, huh?

Talk about a nail-biter.


My mom and I never did figure out what this cute little yellow bird is.

It looks very young, so maybe it hasn’t got all its distinguishing marks yet.

We think this is a Thrush… maybe… it was so cute and tiny.

But I think that is what she thought it was.

A Mocking Bird.

And a little white butterfly on the wing.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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