We interrupt our regularly scheduled Yosemite posts to bring you another little adventure, featuring good old-fashioned rock and roll, with a hint of Bay Area liberal ‘screw haters’ attitude…

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Where did I go last night that featured a pinball machine with an anti-racism message?

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Why, to the fabulous ‘Ivy Room’ in Albany, California. And what did I do there?

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I saw this guy play.

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Okay, so you went to this place and saw that guy, I hear you all thinking. But did you go by yourself?

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No, I went with these two guys, whom I have known longer than most of you have been alive. And who is the guy with the guitar, you are obviously wondering?

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He is Eric McFadden. Don’t feel bad. I didn’t know who he was either. Big Johnny told me about him, and suggested we all go see the show. And he rocked.

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There were a lot of musical styles in his music, but it was mostly rock and roll… with a little blues.

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The Bay Area has always been supportive of its artists. There are venues for your art to be seen in.

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And it’s… well… it’s the Bay Area.

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I like that he had different vocalists and guitarists join him on stage for a few songs.

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Unfortunately, those clouds are made up mostly of smoke from fires as far away as Canada.

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I never know where to look when I do selfies… also, I was pretty drunk. But I saw some good friends, and had a blast. And I feel more or less okay today.

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Now, back to my Yosemite adventure!

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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2 Responses to We interrupt our regularly scheduled Yosemite posts to bring you another little adventure, featuring good old-fashioned rock and roll, with a hint of Bay Area liberal ‘screw haters’ attitude…

  1. I really like the pinball photo! I’m going to post that to my Facebook profile, with credit, of course, going to you, Art. It should piss off more than a few right-wingers!

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