Daily Archives: June 26, 2014

The irony of being alone… (or): You are never by yourself, you are with yourself…

The thing… and this is really a cool thing as things go… about that expression: ‘by yourself’, is that it is a fallacy, an impossibility, a blue herring, and many other clever ways of saying that it is just plain … Continue reading

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No, I do not repost my old posts because I have run out of ideas for a new post… I have a head full of crack squirrels, for crying out loud… I do it because it is fun and it reminds me of the early days of blogging when I had no idea what I was doing and it didn’t really matter because nobody was reading my stuff anyway… and so that you don’t have to go back and read my old stuff… even though you ought to…

This one was called: We all want people to like us —————————- But what are we willing to do to achieve that goal? I am learning some very interesting things, now that I am actually reading other people’s blogs. For … Continue reading

Posted in stuff about blogging, thinking about stuff | Tagged , , , , , | 30 Comments

Well, this is certainly awkward… I seem to have done two posts in a row that completely contradict one another… which is what happens when you have crack squirrels living inside your head…

First, let me apologize for such an obvious slip up. Next, let me thank my friend, List of X, for pointing out this glaring oversight on my part. It seems obvious, after it being pointed out to me, that I … Continue reading

Posted in stuff about blogging | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

So, I did warn you right up front that I only started this blog so I could take over the world, right?

I mean, it is more than a little ironic, but I don’t want to be dishonest about the fact that this is basically a criminal organization bent on world domination… and now that I have the secret lair in the … Continue reading

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