Some flowers… from my mom’s garden…

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We will take a short interlude from Comic Con and sunsets to look at pretty flowers…

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I like flowers.

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I do lots of posts about flowers. If you like flowers, you should scroll through my entire blog looking for more pictures. You could use the search bar, but you might miss other stuff you like.

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Yes, I know that isn’t a flower… that is a wasp…

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Before you send your kid out into the world, make sure you don’t have them believing the world is a garden full of flowers… without telling them about the thorns… or the wasps…

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Okay, I know, I said we were getting away from sunsets… I lied…

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But these are the very last sunset pictures… well… that I took from my mom’s deck… I still have  a few from the hills above Berkeley, overlooking the San Francisco bay… but look how artsy that photo is.

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It’s fun to play with focal points…

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It makes photos of the same thing completely different.

***NOTE: Since none of you played my guessing game/observational skills test in an earlier post I did about pictures of the sunset from my mom’s deck, I will now tell you the answer.

The photos… every other photo in the post… were taken on two separate days… two days apart… and yet the colors were almost identical… and, now that I think about it, almost the same as the colors in this post. What are the odds of the sky being almost the same color at sunset that many times?

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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4 Responses to Some flowers… from my mom’s garden…

  1. Al says:

    Beautiful photos. I love them.

  2. You can never go wrong with photos of sunsets and flowers!

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