Polar bears are cool… and you better keep them cool… or they get lazy…

I like polar bears, but San Diego might not have the best climate for happy polar bears.

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When it’s getting close to Christmas and it is still 80 degrees outside, the polar bears get lazy.

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Maybe wild polar bears spend most of their time sleeping. I could Google it. I ought to know this already, because I watch a lot of nature documentaries. But I do know that the polar bears in San Diego spend a lot of time doing this…

a 1 a 4And sometimes, even when they are standing up and sniffing around for food, they look like they might be asleep…

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I believe the zoo has a live video feed of the polar bears you can look at on the internet. I know they have one for the panda bears.

a 1 a 5Yes, I do know that isn’t a panda bear… it is a camel… I was just mentioning the fact that you could watch the panda or polar bears plying on your computer if you want to. I threw in the picture of a camel because that is an animal that likes the weather in San Diego.

a 1 a 8And I threw in the llama because he is cute.


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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43 Responses to Polar bears are cool… and you better keep them cool… or they get lazy…

  1. benzeknees says:

    I believe polar bears in the wild spend quite a bit of their time trying to find food. They spend an inordinate amount of time standing over holes in the ice, waiting for seals to pop their heads up for air – they don’t have a lot of time for sleeping.

  2. hastywords says:

    There are lots of things I like about you but one is that you still like me regardless of whether others like me or not. Just put that here because I just thought it but yea…my favorite zoo animals are the hyenas… pretty awesome.

  3. Gibber says:

    What about snakes and monkey’s??

  4. Paul says:

    I see you have the old fashioned model of polar bears there in San Diego. Up here in Canada where we make them, we are experimenting with a new model – equally nasty but better able to handle San Diego weather. The things we do to keep you Americans happy – Tsk, Tsk Anyway, with the increase in temperature in the north (the Northwest Passage is now open most of the year) and a great reduction in the ice cap, the polar bears have moved further south to try and survive. The warmer temps have also allowed the grizzlies to move futher north – and lo and behold, they found each other. Never, in the history of man have the two habitats overlapped before. And now they do. Aparrently polar bears and grizzlies fell in love, had babies and lived happily ever after. The babies, now, are interesting – some call them Grolars, some call them Prizzlies – myself I think Prizzlies is a bit effeminate for such a beasts and I prefer Grolars. They are a light brown and tolerate higher temps better. They are about the same size as a polar bear and just as mean as a grizzly. AAAnd, because they tolerate warmer temps they are wandering further south than any polar bear ever did.

    As soon as we get them perfected, we’ll send you a few for your viewing pleasure. 🙂 Oh, like grizzlies and polar bears, they do eat humans if you give them a chance. 🙂

  5. julie says:

    I have to constantly remind myself that things like polar bears/panda bears/lions/tigers et al would most likely kill me if I gave into the urge I have to hug them……

  6. Asariels Muse says:

    Our polar bears spend a lot of time swimming and we give them large blocks of ice to play with that they bat around all over the place. I don’t think I’ve seen them sleeping all that much. It never gets very cold here either.

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