Bacon, rattlesnakes, spotty horses, sugar cookies… and other things that remind me of Thanksgiving…

Well, thanks to our recent computer malfunctions, I never did share any pictures of our Thanksgiving. But I am not going to bore you with pictures of tasty turkey…

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Ha!!! I lulled you into a false sense of security and then, bam! A picture of tasty turkey… sort of… those are some snacks my wife made. They are cinnamon rolls with bacon feathers, candy eyes, candy corn beaks and red licorice wattles…

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Wait, wattles, that is what those weird, dangly things under a turkey’s chin are called, right? Anyway, you know I had to put my own spin on it, so the next day, I turned my breakfast snack from a turkey to a rattlesnake…

a 1 a 4Because I am an artist… and I wanted to eat the bacon first…

a 1 a 5Now most of you who have been here for a while know that whenever we spend Thanksgiving at my wife’s aunt and uncle’s house, just 30 or so miles North of San Diego, we always walk after we eat and visit the ranch just up the road. They have horses… and a donkey… and stuff. That is Pongo up there, one of my favorites. But I met a new horse this time.

a 1 a 7Is that a beautiful horse or what?

a 1 a 8She was a little shy, but you know I got her to come over and let me pet her with a little patience. And now, just to finish up, a random, gratuitous picture of Willie, who came over to our house the day after Thanksgiving, to decorate some cookies.

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About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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58 Responses to Bacon, rattlesnakes, spotty horses, sugar cookies… and other things that remind me of Thanksgiving…

  1. benzeknees says:

    That horse reminds me of a dalmation!

  2. PsiFiGal says:

    That’s a pretty horse, is it what they call pie-bald? Looks like a dalmation. Did Willy eat the head off of that gingerbread man, or was that you?

  3. hastywords says:

    wow those rolls are awesome…way to go Art’s wife!!!

  4. Gibber says:

    That horse is beautiful. Wow Willy’s really gotten big! Now I’m hungry!

  5. I think you should put an oversized bacon turkey on top of your Christmas tree as an angel.

  6. julie says:

    I feel so much safer now. I could give in to my urge to hug and more than likely survive every encounter here! ;D

  7. Love the turkeys and your little boy is adorable!

  8. sagedoyle says:

    Those are ingenious snacks, but the salty/sweet mix makes me think either you’re pregnant/pms-ing/or you have a calcium/magnesium deficiency. Artistically clever snack though.

  9. Paul says:

    Awesome turkeys! Well, your wife should know – she married one! Bwahahaha!

  10. Aw, I wanna go pet a pony! And then I wanna eat a turkey/snake biscuit.

    (And will those cookies be coming in the mail soon? Did Willie autograph a couple of them?)

  11. Asariels Muse says:

    Awesome creativity on the yummy side, very nice

  12. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Those bacon turkeys look amazing! I want one 🙂

  13. Doobster418 says:

    Okay, maybe it’s me, but while those tasty turkey treats looks mahvelous, dahling, and no doubt taste scrumptious — and kudos to your wife for her artistic and culinary capabilities — they might just be a heart attack waiting to happen. But what the hell? It’s the holiday season and you only live once, right? You can diet after the holidays.

  14. Serins says:

    O Wow’s your wife really has a talent for pretty snakes…. those bacon thingies look awesome.

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