The wild jungle cats of Maui… and other animals…

Maui has some very fierce cats roaming the jungle…

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Fortunately, I have a way with wild animals…

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I met this little guy at the place where we rented our swim fins…

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Whoops… I accidentally let my wife’s foot appear on the blog… uh oh… anyway, Ernie… I think that was the name of the dog… didn’t take too long to decide that he liked me, and he wanted to share his toy with me…

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But then he decided to take it back…

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And then he decided it would be more fun to chew on me…

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Here are a couple of horses that I didn’t have time to get to know very well…

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But I know they were very nice, because they were letting the birds ride on them…

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And everybody knows how lazy those Maui birds are…

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About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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30 Responses to The wild jungle cats of Maui… and other animals…

  1. Julie says:

    I don’t think horses are native to the islands either….

  2. Julie says:

    oh, and your wife has pretty feet. Lots of people have ugly feet. Her’s are not at all ugly.

  3. Julie says:

    You are lucky to have survived such a vicious attack! many have not been so lucky, at least that’s how the ancient Hawaiian legend goes…..

  4. jatwood4 says:

    Pretty ferocious wild cats, eh? This post makes me smile!

  5. I don’t think “lazy ” is the right word. I think things on Maui just move at a slower more comfortable pace for everyone.

  6. Al says:

    Thems cats is vicious int they? That dog too! Wow! Has you ever seens a more vishus dog?

  7. Paul says:

    Funny post PMAO.

  8. Love this!! You are definitely the animal whisperer! Your wife’s toes look nicely manicured, tell her that. 🙂

  9. They look so relaxed I’m jealous, maybe I shouldn’t be reading this while stuck in traffic Lol

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