I want to break the all-time record for the most comments on a WordPress blog post.


Okay, some of you will see this as a shallow attempt on my part to bump up my stats.

And I’m not saying you are wrong.

But here’s the thing… oh, thing, I missed you, where have you been?

I have always said that I have the best commenters on WordPress. I have two posts that have over 1,000 comments on them… True, half of those are my return answers to comments, because I always answer my comments, but still… And I will even go so far as to admit that my comment sections… OUR comment sections… are sometimes the funniest part of my posts. Are you happy now?

But this all has me wondering what the record for number of comments on one post actually is. I want to see if we can break it. Just for the fun of it. We will all be part of a social media experiment. We will all go down in the history books as record breakers. We can amaze and astound the WordPress overlords and maybe have them take notice of us.

And it will be fun.

Oh, and I am a little disappointed that only one person even commented on that cute picture of me as a baby in the last post I did, so here is your chance to make it up to me…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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45,073 Responses to *** COMMENT HERE ***

  1. Dan says:

    In the course of poking around in my notification settings I came across this plea. I have no doubt I have already commented here at least once in the past but anything go help a buddy out. My blog is beginning to set the record for least commented posts.as it seems so many other blogs are. It’s odd that in the era of social distance blogs are not drawing us closer. Maybe people want to just stay in touch but not connected. I wonder how many people were actually thrilled when Twitter increased its character count? More white space to fill? Dang!

    I can’t say that I have been posting all that much so there is that. My posts are becoming more embroiled in controversy with time which makes it all the more intriguing that no one comments. It may be that I try to reason with people instead of call them out which makes it more difficult proclaim me an advocate for a particular agenda or cause. The upside is the internet hall monitors are so far leaving me alone but I’m sure just enough of the right tags will draw their ire at some point and WordPress will be pressed to pull my plug. Then again, maybe they don’t like my shtick and aren’t reading. Just because they click to view doesn’t mean they wade through my verbosities.

    • I have noticed that blogs… at least on wordpress… seem to be a dying artform. I have a total of almost 5,000 followers. I get like a few comments and some likes on each post now. Most of the old people are gone.
      Look back at this comment post. At the peak, I couldn’t keep up with the comments. I got hundreds a day.
      Now, you are the first person to comment here in months. So, thanks man.

  2. LAMarcom says:

    The last record I broke was a 45 rpm record of “Crimson and Clover” that my Mom had purchased for me back in ’68. It was a birthday present.
    I listened to it once, then took a hammer to it.
    I hated that lame song.
    My Mom never found out.
    Thank God!
    Would have been the last of my B’Day gifts from her, but I considered it a ‘Crime of Passion.’

  3. Julie says:

    Let’s see….. I need a comment worthy of my friend…..Oh! How about a question instead? Well I guess that technically is a question, so how about another? Oh boy, this is turning into a vicious cycle isn’t it? See? Shoot! Wouldn’t Trent be proud of me? See? There I go again!

    Anyway, what did the farmer say when he couldn’t find his tractor??

    Give up? (Yet another question)

    “Where’s my tractor?”


  4. Pingback: Diary of a Bacon Smuggler – Part 2 – Trenton Babbage Enterprises

  5. Trent Lewin says:

    I feel like I need to deliver a healthy, heartfelt schmack to this fine comment blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So… schmack!

  6. I remember when this post was a wee baby growing up and it still keeps surpassing all of my expectations. Good show!

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