Desert vistas… part 4… and some stuff about my new job…

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While we look at some more of the photos I took on my way back to San Diego from Arizona, let me tell you about that new job thing.

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As a security officer, i can’t go into too many details, but I have been accepted at a posting.

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I have to admit, when I went into this line of work, I was picturing myself in tactical gear, with a metal badge, creeping around in the dark, looking for broken windows and broken-into doors.

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Awww… what a cute little mesa… What I ended up with is a job at an exclusive, gated private community of very upscale residences. I wear a blazer… a monogrammed blazer… sigh.

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I do look pretty spiffy, I must admit.

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I can’t share pictures of where I work, but I will try to remember to get some photos of myself in uniform… with the monogram smudged out. And maybe some photos of the area around where I work.

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Hey, look, it is Quartzsite, that place where I petted 68 dogs in one day, a personal record. You should look up that post.

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Okay, that is about it for now.

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See you soon.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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2 Responses to Desert vistas… part 4… and some stuff about my new job…

  1. List of X says:

    Did you get a gun? Or did you at least sneak in your blacksmithing hammer and some tiki-carving tools for self-defense?

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