Some flowers, some baby ducks, some fish, a guy playing with fire, and a paddle wheeler boat… in San Diego???

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We went down to Mission Bay, here in San Diego, last night.

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Just for the heck of it.

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I took a few photos.

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Because I know how much you love that.

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I took these at the Catamaran Hotel.

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Because in the summer, they have a South Seas Island dance show, and you can watch it for free… if you don’t eat the dinner.

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There is also a paddle wheeler… or a stern wheeler… that crosses the bay between this hotel and another hotel, It is called the Bahia Belle, named after the other hotel. Now, I have ridden on an actual stern wheeler on the Mississippi river. This one is sort of fake. It has regular engines, and the paddle wheel on the back only moves because the passage through the water forces the blades to spin it. But it is still fun. You can watch the sunset on the bay and have drinks. They have dancing cruises. Unfortunately, last night, we ran out of time, and didn’t go on it.

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And I didn’t have my tripod, so some of the night pictures, where the shutter stays open longer, aren’t as clear as they could be.

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But I still sort of like them. And boats. I like boats.


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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