Daily Archives: October 15, 2016

Hold on, I am making a cup of tea… (Or): What goes on in my head when I am alone in a car on a long drive: The crack squirrel chronicles… part 8…

Also, be careful if you ever need to search the web for images of ‘tea bags’… just sayin’…

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Thank you, child-molesting priests, gay-hating ministers, greedy televangelists, and Trump-supporting fundamentalists … (Or): What goes on in my head when I am alone in a car on a long drive: The crack squirrel chronicles… part 7…

Thank you! Thank you for reminding me that being good and decent and moral has nothing to do with religion. Now, if we can just keep religion from having anything to do with politics…

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We get it, you are not of this world, but could you drive like you are? … (Or): What goes on in my head when I am alone in a car on a long drive: The crack squirrel chronicles… part 6…

Dear guy in the car ahead of me with the… window decal, I know, you have a special relationship with your lord and savior, and you are letting him steer your life… but I don’t think he is actually steering … Continue reading

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