Birds, dogs, boats, and other random stuff from my life…

I took a walk down by the ocean this morning with a friend of mine…

a 1 a 1

I love it when the pelicans fly by in their tight formations…

a 1 a 2Sometimes they form long single or double lines and play follow the leader, swooping low over the waves, sometimes they fly in little squadrons.

a 1 a 3We walked by Belmont Park that has a really cool old wooden rollercoaster.

a 1 a 4Over on the Mission Bay side we passed the two recreations of Mississippi paddle boats… those are fun to ride on, have a drink and watch the sunset.

a 1 a 5Last week we watched Riley… that is the dog on the right… she belongs to my wife’s aunt and uncle, and we take turns keeping the dogs when anybody has something to do that a dog can’t do with them. My dog, Shiloh, on the left, is Riley’s best friend. This is what they look like after an hour or two of playing together. They aren’t as young as they used to be.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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6 Responses to Birds, dogs, boats, and other random stuff from my life…

  1. Pingback: Ma’ Likes #2 « Transcend ❤

  2. Trent Lewin says:

    Les oiseau… incroyables.

  3. None of us are as young as we used to be. After playing with Cody, she and I lie side by side like Riley and Shiloh – but without the crates. 🙂

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