I have sold my first book…

And I am now a professional paid author.

Special thanks to my friend Bats at  http://http://bats0711.wordpress.com/ She was the very first to buy my book in actual dead tree form. I have now promised to write a character based on her into the fifth part of the series, just as soon as I publish the other four which are already done. Thanks Bats. Don’t let me forget.

But I have more exciting news. The first book is now available on Amazon.com in electronic form. I have no idea if this is an electronic form that will work with your electronic device or not. I am a computer moron, remember? But I have been assured by my technical whiz-kid daughter, who is also my publicist, that it will be available on most if not all types of reader/computer/smart phone/Ipad things sooner or later.

The good news… for you… is that this version of the book is cheap. Really cheap. Much cheaper than it is on flat bits of dead tree. And I am starting it off at a special rate for all of you.

In case you do not believe that my book is on Amazon.com, here is a picture as proof…

a 2Look at that. Its right on the top. I know it is too small to see, but trust me. All you need to do is go to Amazon.com and do a search for ‘otherwhere chronicles’.

That will take you to;


In fact, if you could do that right now and let me know if it works, I would appreciate it. I will wait.

If you are a big fan of dead trees… or electronics mystify and scare you like they do me… you can also go to thebookpatch.com and do a search for ‘otherwhere’ and order it in actual book form. Remember, unless you get a paper book made from trees that grew near a leaky nuclear power plant, these ‘paper’ books do not light up, so do not attempt top read them in the dark.

Now here is the big favor I must ask.

In order for me to become a really famous author… and have them make my books into a feature-length film with Brad Pitt playing me in the role as main character… I need some of you to actually buy the book. I know this is asking a lot, but I do need to pay the editor so I don’t actually lose money.

What I need are reviews. If you think you remember enough of the story from when I was posting chapters here on the blog, or you just want to fake it and say nice things, maybe there is a way you can review it without having to buy one. I leave that up to your conscience.

But it is all good. My dream has come true. I am a professional writer.

In fact, since I have actually sold a few art projects, as soon as the band plays its first bar gig, I will be a professional artist,writer and musician, the trifecta, the trinity, the three-legged stool of all my dreams.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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81 Responses to I have sold my first book…

  1. JMC813 says:

    Hmmmmm…….Arthur Black…….Arthur Dent……..I am seeing a few other wildly similar comparisons to a little thing called “Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy”. One of my all time favorites. If this is even half as good it is a MUST read. I liked what I saw in the previews. I might have to add this to my paperback wish list. I wish you all the success in the otherwhere with this book. lol.
    Keep Inspiring.

  2. WilderSoul says:

    Have you got Twitter, Art?
    There is an #ArtistChat that happens on Saturdays at 10.30am EST that is a bit of fun publicity. At least it would be greeeat fun to see you and Trenton Babbage chatting about your book…. I would stay up for 2.30am again next Saturday just for you… and now I’m off to take a look at your e-book…

  3. onwindydays says:

    Also, a big congratulations here. That is awesome, I will definitely have to look into it. I’ll see if I can get it on my dads Kindle. I let you know if that works haha.

  4. Taygibay says:

    And I helped modestly on my level but you never came back to check? LMAO Hello mate! 😎
    http://dlofr.wordpress.com/2013/03/31/200-posts-later-a-blogger-is-torn/ … MDR Tay.

  5. Ok first, Art congrats on the book! Second, this conversation has me guffawing so loud my cat is staring at me. Thanks to you both. Otherwise.:O

  6. bilwal says:

    Congratulations! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Washington Freak Show and for the like. Wishing you continued success.

  7. masterwaddle says:

    That last one was me

    • Oh… gotcha. I might need to know a little more about you to do a character. And I make no promises about how it turns out… human… alien… good… bad… who knows.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I bought a book too. Do i Get a character? 🙂

    • I can’t tell who you are because the profile thingy just says ‘somebody, with a generic little square. So you could be just about anybody already in the book for all I know.

  9. Tammy says:

    Congrats!!! I’m proud of you my blogging buddy!

  10. brain4rent says:

    You are now even more of a super exciting person to know…congrats

  11. Claude Jones says:

    Just finished “Saloon”. I hope book one on the title page not of your warped sense of humor, but then again, without a warped sense of humor what’s the point. “so long and thanks for all the fish”.

    • WOW. No indeed. There are three more finsihed books. I mean I have them written. I need to pay off my editor so we can start the final edits on the book two and then get it published. I hope it should be withing just a few months, but I don’t want to rush and have glitches?
      Did you have the glitches? And would you mind going to where yopu got it from a nd doing a review? I hate to ask.

  12. EagleAye says:

    That’s so awesome, dude. Congratulations. You are now my hero.

  13. rileydbarker says:

    Woohoo from up here too! Congrats on publication – hope you sell a bundle. Many bundles!

  14. joehoover says:

    Woohoo! Great news. I just tried buying a hard copy but the shipping was tons! I’ll have a plan, I will find out when my partner is next in America for work and will order to his company so he can pick it up from there.

  15. benzeknees says:

    I went to Amazon.com as you advised, but I could not find your book under Otherwise or Otherwise Chronicles – there was nothing even close to your book. I did, however, find it under Saloon at the Edge. Unfortunately, it’s only available in Kindle format & I have a Sony Reader, so until it’s available in other formats I will have to wait. Good luck & Happy Easter!

  16. cookiecharm says:

    Well Heck Yeah! Congrats to you … seriously that is wonderful! Headed over to Amazon right now. I couldn’t see small picture, hoping you weren’t fibbing when you said cheap! Just kidding

  17. bats0711 says:

    I was going to wait for the electronic but somehow I felt the dead tree edition was more special.

  18. Austin says:

    Congratulations! That’s awesome. When you need a screenwriter to adapt the book into a screenplay for Brad Pitt, you let me know! 🙂

  19. Congratulations on publication!

  20. jatwood4 says:

    May all your dreams come true!

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