Fun with cows… Part 4…

I know I started this whole thing off with the idea that cows are not ever scary… not even Hitler nazi cow…

But I have changed my mind. While looking for pictures to do funny things with, I stumbled upon the following pictures. I have not altered them in any way.

a 6I had no idea…

a 2I was living in blissful ignorance…

a 7How do they even hold their heads up?

a 5I am sure they are nice, gentle creatures…

a 4I am sure they are just patiently waiting around for us to eat them…

a 8But for crying out loud…a 1How did we ever domesticate these animals? I bet the horns were even bigger and the cows were even meaner back in the early days of ranching. They weren’t the soft-eyed milk cows we have today. It just kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

a 3

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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14 Responses to Fun with cows… Part 4…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Some of those would go nicely on Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

  2. Eagle Tech says:

    I had no idea the Air Force was mounting missile launchers on cows.

  3. paralaxvu says:

    I wanna see the running of the cows–THESE cows!

  4. One of those cows reminded me of Princess Leia. I hope they don’t decide to “poke” fun at the farmers. It wouldn’t be pretty!

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