There was a light frosting of ice on our roof this morning…

That is winter in San Diego.

So if you spent an hour digging your car out of the snow, I feel a little better about it now…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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46 Responses to There was a light frosting of ice on our roof this morning…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Were there a whole bunch of accidents because of the snow? It is snowing here in Edmonton today. It’s just a light snowfall (maybe an inch or 1.5 inches altogether), but it’s just an ordinary day here!

  2. judithatwood says:

    I am so happy that you are feeling better. Come shovel my walk — you’ll stop chortling then, I bet. (Not really!) Enjoy the warmth! 😎

  3. elroyjones says:

    Snow here, melting in unseasonably high temperatures, global warming hoax???

    • Think climate change, not global warming. Global warming makes it so the rebublicans can say it is a hoax whenever it gets cold anywhere. But it turns out climate change is good for San Diego, because it makes it cooler. Which I like. At least until the sea rises and our house ends up on a small island…

  4. Virginia here…..No snow to speak of.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I heard that LA got it so bad with snow yesterday that it basically closed down the freeways even…of course it wouldn’t take much to do that since you guys are used to dealing zilch with snow…I wondered if SD got it too but forgot to ask you, what with all the pj pics that I loved. We were in the 60’s here yesterday too and now it is supposed to be 11 degrees F. tonight. Sigh.

  6. I heard yesterday that snow was falling in Southern California and my first thought was, “Oh, boy, did Art have to get out the shovels?”

  7. San Diego, eh? I had a night flight into San Diego once. White knuckled it as the plane made a nose-dive descent into the airport. What was that all about? Is the airport downtown? … We’re finally thawing with near 60 degrees in Ohio. Only the driveway still has some ice.

  8. Jean says:

    There is a bitterly cold wind today!

  9. We’ve had snow for 4 months now and we have a garage and a snow plow, so no digging here!

  10. Trent Lewin says:

    I send my loathing on a bitter arctic wind.

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