A closer look… part 1…

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Did you notice the bee inside the flower?

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Okay, here is the story. My birthday is coming up. My older daughter asked me what I wanted. One thing was a macro lens for my camera, so I could take photos super close up.

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Her husband, Jason, has some. And they were visiting from Arizona for Easter. He loaned me three of them  of different focal lengths… or whatever it is called.

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Hey, the wind moved the flower.

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So, the thing is… (hey, thing, where have you been hiding?)… that there isn’t actually a lens in a macro lens. It is really just a spacer you add to a regular lens. Then, you have to adjust the focus manually to take a photo.

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I spent the day playing with the three lens spacers.

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It does, when you do it right, allow you to take pictures of tiny little flowers parts inside already small flowers.

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So I am going to keep playing with these lenses for a few days.

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Because maybe, I will be getting one… or some… for my birthday.


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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4 Responses to A closer look… part 1…

  1. That’s awesome! Can’t wait to see more.

  2. Sometimes little things mean a lot! I feel you did pretty good with these photos, Art. Look forward to more.

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