Step into my time machine… we are going back to the 70’s!!!

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We are going to talk about the 1970’s for a few days. There are two reasons for this. The first is that I recently did a post about how I used Spotify to download a bunch of classic rock and roll to listen to on the long drive through the desert to Arizona, where I am helping my daughter prepare for her wedding next week. One person expressed an interest in my song list… over 150 songs… more than twelve hours… of the music that defined my teenage years. So I am going to type that list up for you.

The second is that I have a birthday coming up in a day or two, which will mean I am… old. But driving through the California and Arizona mountains and deserts cranking up some awesome tunes made me feel young. It also reminded me why I am a musical dinosaur. Because there hasn’t been any better music written since the 70’s. Yes, there are a few good bands and some good songs, but on the whole, I will stand the music that defined my ge-ge-ge-generation up against any of it.

Now, I never know, when I set off on these post series jaunts, exactly how carried away the crack squirrels that live in my head are going to get, so bear with me. You will learn a lot about me, and a lot about a very interesting time in… ancient history… if you are young and somewhat mean-spirited.

Also, get off Itunes  or whatever you are on, and get Spotify. You pay a monthly fee, or a yearly fee, or something, and you don’t have to buy each song. Also, you can find any music on there, including live versions and remixed and remastered versions of most songs.

And if you can, read these in order… it will make a little more sense that way… maybe.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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6 Responses to Step into my time machine… we are going back to the 70’s!!!

  1. Kenneth T. says:

    I listen to 80’s mostly, but when I’m not… it’s the 70’s.

  2. SD Gates says:

    The 70s music is my favorite too – love that music, makes me feel younger and free again. Nothing like a road trip with good music.

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