Rainy day fun…


Well, I spent the morning babysitting my little buddy, Olivia, again.


We had a lot of fun.


She likes the camera now.


In fact, she took a lot of these.


For that one, I held the camera, but she pushed the button. Now she tells me to take more pictures, then she likes to look at them.


San Diego is getting hit with 4 or 5 storms in a row, so we did some puddle splashing.


She is also working on her serious shopping face.


Because shopping is hard work.


And so is being a two-year-old.


We had a snack… and a wardrobe change… after splashy time. We may have gotten a little muddy.


Okay, maybe she was getting a little tired of the camera by the end.


And I’m not sure why she wanted me to help her move the slide into the kitchen.

Okay, I have a few more pictures of Olivia coming soon, then some more artsy sunset pictures, and then I have to get ready to start making fun of tRump again.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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26 Responses to Rainy day fun…

  1. chris jensen says:

    Kids are great!

    i wonder, what secrets are locked in the little brain,

    the cure for cancer?

    New theories on generating power?


    cheers chris

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