Daily Archives: June 27, 2014

You know that, sooner or later, you are going to find one of my amusingly long-winded blog post titles that are really just thinly-veiled attempts to lure you to my blog, to be just silly enough to pique your interest, and you will fall for my blatant shenanigans, even though you are obviously too smart to be taken in by such a cheap ploy, and you will pop over to my blog… you know, just to see if maybe, perhaps, I am anywhere near as funny as I seem to think I am, and then, despite your quite understandable doubts, you will proceed to scroll through some of my posts and read a few things and look at some of my silly Photoshop pictures and maybe listen to a few of my original songs or join in the fun we have in the comment sections, and aginst all your better judgement, you will click the follow button and return again and again and slowly but surely fall in love with me…

So don’t you think you should just get all that out of the way right now?

Posted in stuff about blogging | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Uh… you know that post where we are trying to break the record for the most comments on a WordPress blog post? We now have 29,261 comments…

Come on, people… be a part of history! Leave a comment. I bet we can break 30,000 by this weekend. Just click on that link… the one right over there at the top of my sidebar. You will not be … Continue reading

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