Okay… even for this blog, I have to say that this is a weird post…

It is a romantic poem that just might surprise you, and it is entitled:

Star Crossed Tentacles…


I gazed into her fourteen eyes, not one of them identical

And wished that I could stroke her face with the tip of my twelfth tentacle

The mucous dripping from her snouts, it glistened so seductively

And I felt my longing stir, to get to know her… reproductively


Multicolored mist slightly clouded him from all my rainbow eyes

But I could hear his breathy mating call searching for my prize

His wheezing belly button was noisier than most other cavities

Making my bellied orifice rattle with a whir that ran on batteries


All seven of my mating organs began their rapid pulsation

I do not have the words with which to describe this new sensation

My three main hearts began to shift straight into hyper drive

In all my 700 years, I never once felt more alive


I slowly unrolled the skinny length of my razor-sharp tongue

Searching the space around him for the presence of any young

Once I found we were all alone; I licked his gigantic slimy eye

Aware the taste of his orbital globe would be the start of my demise


My sxxizzinists began to palpitate, the grasping claws extended

Both flooodinidids swung wide open, a little faster than I intended

Our champiscusin began to boil, leaving us in a steamy haze

I gathered up my energy… it was going to be a glorious 12 days…


Pulled into the gravity of his spin I was helpless to dislodge

Small polyps began to pulsate and burst so fast I couldn’t dodge

Feeling the lining of my Chroustinnx separate into reproductive scabs

I wrapped my tongue deeper into his Chalazion flooded tabs


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I wrote that with my friend, Hastywords, over at: http://hastywords.wordpress.com/

If you haven’t met her… and read any of the poems she write… often collaborating with other talented bloggers… then you should go over there… and don’t judge her too harshly if this one isn’t to your taste… I sort of pushed this idea on her.

I would like to also thank her for letting me go first… I mean, doing the opening four lines… after which we took turns… and she brought us home for the big climax… well, I mean, we didn’t go quite that far… this is a family friendly blog, after all.

And yes, I did indeed recycle a picture of one of the aliens from my hilarious action/humor sci-fi book series for this. I just did a little Photoshop magic and made two of him… her… it.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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17 Responses to Okay… even for this blog, I have to say that this is a weird post…

  1. It’s good to know we have an expert on Paranormal/Science Fiction Romance in the house. I’d hate to get caught up in something like this.

  2. Paul says:

    You will be the first one the government calls when the aliens finally show up.

  3. CindySheaNH says:

    Oh my goodness gracious!

  4. jatwood4 says:

    This is good, and also hilarious!

  5. Very funny and clever!! Love it! I must tweet it! 🙂

  6. Pingback: STAR CROSSED TENTACLES | hastywords

  7. hastywords says:

    This was fun and my husband nearly spewed his drink as I read it to him. Thanks for being silly!

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