Maui is crawling with lizards…

I met a lot of lizards on our trip to Maui. I like lizards. There is just something cool about them…

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Do you see the lizard in this picture? Let me zoom in a little closer…

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That is a handsome chameleon. I don’t know if they are native to the island, or escaped from a pet store. There are a lot of animals on Maui that were brought there by us, and a lot of those animals are creating havoc with the natural animal population. We watched this guy from our hotel balcony while we ate lunch… well, it wasn’t really a hotel, but I will get into that later…
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That is a nice color for a lizard… but because he was on the trunk of the tree and not on a green leaf, he decided that it wasn’t the best color… so he changed it…

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Not exactly the color of the wood, but I guess it made him happy.

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That is a gecko. They are just adorable. I took all these pictures at the second hotel… sort of… that we stayed at. I never saw lizards in the jungle. They are too good at hiding. But the lizards like the hotels… the lights attract bugs for them to eat…

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Most of the rest of these pictures I took out in the little smoking area.

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Some of the pictures are more in focus than others… I wish I could remember if the clear ones are from my camera or cell phone. Or it might just be that I kept trying to get the phone close to the lizards but not close enough to scare them away.

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The lizards really seemed to like this one big leaf right by where I sat to smoke…

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There was always at least one lizard on that leaf…

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I got so I could recognize some of them…

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Some of them had frills on their backs. Some of them had camouflage patterns. Some were just plain black or green or brown. But they all do those lizard push ups. That cracks me up…

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I named that one ‘Stumpy’… he was missing the tip of his tail. I am sure there is an interesting story behind that. The lizards were all very active, and spent a lot of time opening their mouths at each other, and doing their push ups, and opening up their neck flaps and chasing each other around. I don’t know if it was mating season or not, but they all seemed more interested in each other than in the insects.

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There are two lizards having a stare-down. I don’t know if they were getting ready to fight… or something else…

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But either way, I decided to give them some privacy.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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103 Responses to Maui is crawling with lizards…

  1. benzeknees says:

    So did you stay in condos that you rented? That’s where I stayed when I went to Hawaii, a big high rise just of Waikiki beach. We brought in breakfast foods to help keep our costs down too.

  2. lizards are cool; that is all

  3. Leapin’ Lizards thats a lot o’ lizards! It would have been cool to see the one on the striped leaf turn two tone.

  4. joehoover says:

    Love lizards. And get that one having a few costume changes – the diva.

    I love all the geckos in Thailand that would scoot about the ceiling, and australia was the best, my friend lives on a man made lake on the Gold Coast, I’d be out on her terrace and these huge lizards would come out to see what’s going on will have to put the photo up, we’d feed them, and then the turtles would get jealous and swim over, and the black swans, then some lorikeets would swoop in and even a dormouse popped his head up. I felt like Dr Doolittle.

  5. Paul says:

    Lizards are neat. I’ve never been to a tropical county so i’ve never seen them in the wild.

  6. Did they start talking to you?

  7. Trent Lewin says:

    What, no lizard mating shots? Those last two looked a bit randy to me.

    So how much have I missed of Hawaii? I’m gonna go back and read it all. Must. I want dirt!

  8. LVital7019 says:

    During our honeymoon, we sort of adopted the little gecko that scared the beJEEZUS out of me one day when I was watering the plants in the bathroom. I love those little suckers… I spent a lot of time in Puerto Rico growing up and lizards like the one in your picture ran rampant. They were EVERYWHERE and my cousins perfected the art of wearing them as “earrings”. LOL

  9. djmatticus says:

    Hooray for lizards! They are the best.
    Growing up the desert, I used to go lizard catching with my dad and brother. Everyone once in awhile we would keep one that we’d caught as a pet, but usually, we just liked to see all the different kinds out there and learn about them while traipsing about the desert.

  10. PiedType says:

    As a kid I was fascinated by these little guys. The chameleon looks like the ones I used to buy on the State Fair midway every year. My earliest memory is of being disappointed because they only turned brown or green. I thought they were supposed to turn to whatever color they were on — red, purple, yellow, etc. Childhood can be so disillusioning.

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