Willy week… part 5…

One more absurdly cute Willy picture for the day…

That is John holding the baby right after Willy was born. I love this picture. John’s hand is so big, and the baby is so small, it looks like he is holding an ice cream cone.

I remember when my kids were that size… sigh… sniffle…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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23 Responses to Willy week… part 5…

  1. Jean says:

    Without actually tasting him, if Willie were an ice cream cone, what flavor do you think he would be?

  2. thecheekydiva says:

    He’s so beautiful! Do you know how much he weighed when he was born?

  3. elroyjones says:

    I especially love infants.

  4. Red says:

    I adore the perspective pix which shows how tiny they really are.

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