Digital fun with one of the illustrations I did for my children’s book; The Lonely Little Wizard… part 1…


I love that neon filter…


Is it an optical illusion, or does the little female wizard look like a mean troll?


That one looks almost like the original… which I am not even going to add to this post… but the book is available, over there—> in my sidebar—> perfect for young readers who are learning to read, or like to be read to. It is a delightful tale of the quest for friendship.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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7 Responses to Digital fun with one of the illustrations I did for my children’s book; The Lonely Little Wizard… part 1…

  1. That first photo looks like an undercover shot of a psilocybin greenhouse. Ah-hah! Of course! What else should I expect from Art Browne?! 😉

  2. chris jensen says:

    What! a female wizard?

    Not heard of, to my knowledge, but i will ask “so” ifinn i see him…

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