The day that Europe kicked my ass… part 2… (or); I know I’m not the boss of you, but I am going to tell you what to do the next time you find yourself up on the Eiffel Tower anyway…

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Okay, sorry about that, I know the camera looks a little obscene… but look at that look on my face… that is the look of sheer terror… and excitement… because I am standing on a clear piece of glass hundreds of feet above those tiny little people down there on the ground.

a 2The next time you go up in the Eiffel Tower, there are a couple things you need to do. One of them is going to the lowest observation level and standing on the glass walkways. It is not for the faint of heart.

a 3It didn’t bother Mollie at all, but 16-year-olds have no fear.

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The other thing you need to do is take the stairs… no… don’t take them to get up the tower… what part of ‘the day that Europe kicked my ass’ did you not get??? You will be doing plenty of walking in Paris, trust me. Don’t wear yourself out walking up hundreds of stairs. But you should at least walk down from the middle level to the lower level when you go looking for  those glass walkways. Don’t look at my bizarrely uneven nostrils! Look at that look of pure fun on my goofy face!

a 5Yes, you will still get a workout. Yes, your legs will feel like rubber even before you try to walk 50 miles later on in the day. But you will not regret it. You will get to see the tower in a way that not everybody gets to see it if they just crowd onto the big old-timey elevators. It is like seeing behind the scenes. It is like looking up the Eiffel Tower’s skirt…

a 6Okay, that last part sounded wrong… but it also sounded French… and, ironically, when I was on the tower the last time I was there, I actually caught a guy trying to take pictures up girl’s skirts, so don’t shoot the messenger.

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If you were wondering what happened to that guy, well, let’s just say that I was with my other daughter and a bunch of other teenage girls at the time on a musical trip, and me and the creepy guy had a very heart-to-heart talk… about the ability of him and his camera to fly… and the probability that doing so from that height was actually survivable… and he saw the error of his ways… and he maybe became separated from the memory card in his camera somehow or other… who can remember details from ten years ago?

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Anyway, I promise these are almost the last pictures of the tower you will have to look at…

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But I also promise there are a lot of other pictures of a lot of other places all over Paris coming up in this little series…

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Because we walked a lot that last day in the city of lights…

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And you are all going along with me on this adventure.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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22 Responses to The day that Europe kicked my ass… part 2… (or); I know I’m not the boss of you, but I am going to tell you what to do the next time you find yourself up on the Eiffel Tower anyway…

  1. Paul says:

    Yikes! Molly is a brave girl. She has a lot more faith in engineers than I do. If she likes that you should take her to Toronto and up the CN Tower. You can pay to get a lesson and a harness and a special red suit and you can follow the guide to the outside of the tower, hook up to the safety stuff and lean out at 45 degrees from the edge of the platform – it’s gotta be 1,000 feet straight down.

  2. I couldn’t help staring at your nostrils after you told us not to. Creepy guy!! Not you and your nostrils – the perv!!

  3. Elyse says:

    I love the pictures — the angles are fabulous.

  4. I assure you I am not doing this. Ever. But thanks for doing it in my stead and taking (and posting) pictures. If I ever had any doubts about my unwillingness to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, you have resolved those doubts. Thank you.

  5. asklotta says:

    Disagree…My daughters and I walked up the Eiffel Tower and loved every second…

  6. OLED PHAT nu glee says:

    One word… TAXI

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