The real England… part 1…

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After our exciting three-or-so days in London, we left the big city for the rural countryside. I am not saying that London is not the real England too, but going there and only seeing London is like going to San Francisco or New York and saying you saw America. And, oh yeah… tea and scones!!!

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That is my mom gazing wistfully out of the train window as we journeyed through the farmlands of England.

a 3And there is my mom… on the right… talking to our cousin, Dot… on the left. Dot let us stay in her house in the little town of Leyland. The first picture… the one with the tea and the scone… is a picture out her front window. We stayed with Dot for three magical days.

a 4And we did some awesome things. This picture of Dot, once again on the left, and my mom, will make more sense after the next post.

a 5That is Dot’s garden. I think you get to know a place when you smell the flowers and the grass and the trees, when you feel the soil and walk the neighborhoods that most tourists never see. Don’t just meet people who work in the tourist industry. Get out and meet people from all walks of life.

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It is by using all your senses that a new place comes alive. I never feel like I know a country at all until I meet some people from small towns and villages, and walk in the woods, and pet some animals and make some babies smile… but maybe that’s just me.

a 7This is the real England. It isn’t the seat of government. It isn’t where history is made, but it is where history happens. It is where life happens.

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Look at Mollie, reading the British paper in a British house in a British town in the country, learning about the world… sniff…

a 9I stood in the garden feeling the mist land on my cheeks, I smelled the flowers, touched the soil, listened to the birds and the sounds of playing children. And I felt that I got to know England in a true and meaningful way.

a 10There is my mom, enjoying a quiet moment in Dot’s living room. I am strangely moved to be sharing these pictures with you, I must admit.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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45 Responses to The real England… part 1…

  1. Paul says:

    Awesome pics Art. It blows me away every time I see a pic of your Mom – 90 years old and going strong – amazing.

  2. You are so right about getting out of London, but I can’t imagine that Mollie learned anything useful from the Sunday Torygraph.

  3. I loved England, and yes the neighborhood walk-through is a must.

    Bring us all fish and chips when you return…

  4. Elyse says:

    There must have been a murder committed while you were there. England is full of murderers, especially in the countryside. Obviously you were careful!

  5. Nurse Kelly says:

    *snif* You are just such a sensitive soul, Arthur. Yes, everyone should get out more to pet animals and make babies smile…that’s a good goal, I think. That should be your motto! Looks like you really know how to enjoy a trip 🙂

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