Minion appreciation week… part 1…

I love my crazy horde of minions!!!

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I never could understand why WordPress has a ‘follow’ button. Who wants to be a follower? That just sounds like you are joining a cult. Why didn’t they call it the ‘make a new friend’ button?

And somewhere along the line I started half-jokingly calling my more loyal ‘followers’ my minions. And most of them thought it was funny. And it has sort of taken off. Then we did that crazy post where we tried to break the record for the most comments on one post, and in the course of getting those comments, we sort of began to pretend that we really do live in a hollow volcano, have some sort of vague plan for world conquest, and are raising a minion army to help me achieve that goal.

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Because hey, somebody has to put fuel in the rocket, or sweep the floors of the secret lair, or buy the groceries, or willingly give their lives when James Bond and his ninjas show up so I can sneak off to make my escape…

It is those unglamorous roles performed by minions that might make some of you feel that being a ‘minion’ is actually a step down from being a ‘follower’. You have a mental image of a minion as someone like Igor…

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But ask yourself this: Could Dr. Frankenstein… or Dr. Frankenstien… have ever created his monster without trusty Igor by his side?

I prefer to think of my minions as a loyal and rather scary horde of brave warriors, like an army of Orcs… only without the whole ‘losing and getting wiped out at the end of the story’ thing… hopefully…

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But however you want to look at it, I want to thank a few of my minions who went above and beyond the call of duty during those insane days when we were trying to break that comment record.


1. First, to my friend Trent at:

He is my official Head Minion. He is also:

Head Minion in charge of flirting, Official Hostess and Greeter for when I am busy or sleeping, and The Keeper and User of the only toilet plunger for when the toilets in the secret lair get plugged up.

During our comment record, Trent came through for me. I did half of all those comments because I tried to respond to each and every one, but he came in a close second. He made people feel welcome when I wasn’t around… and then he would get bored when he was alone and came up with some really weird stuff to keep himself occupied…  like seducing himself… seriously, if you ever get bored, go down to the ***comment here*** post, or hit this link:  and read all the comments… it will crack you up… you can even add a comment to it and become a part of history.

2. To my friend List of X at:

He is the official Co-Head Minion, Executive Minion in charge of sarcasm training, Battle Leader of Minion Assault Group 1, and First Runner Up of the Miss Minion beauty pageant… hey, we are an equal opportunity evil organization here…

3. Al from:

Chief Minion in charge of photography, and the official minion pet veterinarian…

4. Julie… uh… she doesn’t have a blog… but she can live at mine for as long as she wants, because she cracks me up… so I am making her:

Chief Minion in charge of cracking me up.


So whatever you think of the word ‘minion’, whatever way you picture them in your head… and I like to do it like this…

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… ask yourself if you have what it takes to become a minion…

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Because we could always use a new friend.

*** If I did not mention you by name, please forgive me… I know that hundreds of you helped make our comment post fun, and if I could have mentioned you all, I sure the hell would have***

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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40 Responses to Minion appreciation week… part 1…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Ha! I think I earned the title of Minion in charge of Procrastination!

  2. julie says:

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN “PRETENDING”?!?! ( Yay! I made the list! 🙂 )

  3. Trent Lewin says:

    I am proud to be a minion! Bow before the master!

  4. List of X says:

    I’d rather be a minion than a follower. At least minions get to do all the interesting stuff and followers just get to watch.

  5. jensenempire2551 says:

    you are a cult!

  6. Love this! You have your newest minion 🙂

    • Yay… there are just a few forms to fill out… and some tests to take… a few weeks of training classes… getting fitted for a uniform… and most important, you need to leave a comment on the post where we are trying to break the record for the most comments on a post… over there… the link at the top of the sidebar… and while you are there, scroll down and say hello to a few people.

  7. Well, I didn’t participate in the comment record activity. But I know why I follow your posts. I do that because you never fail to bring a smile on my face. That’s more than enough reason to follow you. Minion or follower I don’t really mind. 🙂

  8. I am so glad that you did not mention me. While I was more than happy to help out a fellow blogger, I am no one’s minion. I prefer to think of it more as leaders of neighboring communities pitching in to help each other, although your community is much larger than mine.

  9. You are the only person I allow to call me a minion, Arturo. Anyone else and I would punch them in the face. LOL. I have a request, being that I am a señorita, could you call me, Minionita? Por favor?

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