Wait… is that cow laughing at me???

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Nope… she was laughing at that post I did recently about the Nazi cows… always nice to meet a fan of my blog.

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What?… Of course, Madame, if you would like to be featured in my blog, I am sure my readers will be delighted. Pardon me? Oh… you feel that I am not photographing your best side? Very well…

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Yes, Ma’am… oh, it was a lovely shot… look, see for yourself… no, look right in here… the little screen on the back of… oh, the glare? Here, let me tip it… is that better? I really do need to be moving on… yes… look for these pictures in a week or two, once I get back to San Diego… yes… nice meeting you too…

Sheesh, what a bossy cow…

a 1 a 4 Oh… dreadfully sorry… no… I wasn’t talking about you…

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Okay, just having some fun with some pictures I took when we went to the little farm in Tilden Park… with Willie… and his parents… and we rode on the little train…

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Which I will get too soon enough.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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33 Responses to Wait… is that cow laughing at me???

  1. julie says:

    She is a beautiful cow! Goats have creepy eyes. Don’t trust them! Sneaky bast…(I almost said a bad word!)

  2. Asariels Muse says:

    I think she was trying to butter you up

  3. Gibber says:

    Did you take her out on a date?

  4. The cow is smart.

    If she smiles at you, you’ll like her and you won’t turn her into a burger.

  5. Too funny. You might like reading about my experience on the other side of the camera in Burma at http://www.teresabruce.me

  6. That is a good looking cow – beautiful color.

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