Travel should be like a good stage show… it should always leave you wanting more…

Whenever we went down to the beach at our hotel on Maui, to snorkel or take a romantic walk or to watch a sunset, I would always take a moment to gaze wistfully at the little islands in the distance…

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We made a decision on our second honeymoon not to island hop. We wanted to see one island and get to know it, and Maui was a good choice… even though the decision wasn’t easy, because I love boats and adventures…

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But what about those little islands in the distance? They aren’t famous islands. Nobody talks about them. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t adventures to be had out there…

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I have always been like that. I need to know what is around the next bend, or over the next hill…

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I would watch the trade winds move the clouds around those mountains and wonder if I was missing out on anything…

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And perhaps, that is the best thing of all about an adventure…

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It never really ends…

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It just keeps calling you back.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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14 Responses to Travel should be like a good stage show… it should always leave you wanting more…

  1. It does that. I can always hear Maui calling me. We managed to get a day trip in last time on a catamaran over to Lanai. It was a wonderful day and the island was beautiful.

  2. So when are you going back?

  3. Lucy says:

    Maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t get to those smaller islands. Maybe there are dinosaurs there waiting for a tourist lunch. Could be a lost world.. Could be ebola there. Or dengue fever. Islands look nice. Lucy

  4. Is that your wife in the boat in the first picture?

  5. Paul says:

    Cool pictures.

  6. That is very true! I’ve been traveling for 3 months, and the more things I see and experience the more I want to do! Travel is like a drug, it’s addictive! I love you’re pictures, enjoy your continuing adventure!

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