What to feed your ex-hippie Dead Head…

(or): How I won the genetic dice-toss…

I suppose I have mentioned that Mollie is one of the coolest fifteen-year-old girls on the planet. I don’t say that only as a proud father. She really is sweet and kind and beautiful. She is also artistic, creative and smarter than I ever was or will be.

You all know that I am entirely art-side-of-the-brain. I have no real life skills. One of my very first posts explained how I took that psychological test and broke records for how little access I have to the logic side of the brain. My wife is very logical. She is a flat-out genius. But she can’t sing and doesn’t do any kind of art. She remembers phone numbers she called once… 30 years ago… I don’t have my multiplication tables memorized, and it takes me five years to remember our address when we move. I mean, I can find my own house… I just can’t remember the street number.

So having kids really was a genetic dice-toss… if they had gotten my logic and her art, they wouldn’t be able to think their way out of a moist paper bag. Thank goodness that didn’t happen. They got the best of each of us.

I got a really cute birthday gift from my mother-in-law… a cake mix…

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I know, it seems strange… most people would get a cake… but look… it is a freekin’ tie-dye cake mix. It is even put out by that Duff dude, the cake guy on the cooking channel.  How cool is that?

So when we were at my mom’s house this last week, Mollie made the cake for me…

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This is where real life skills meet artistic abilities… and can I just say, speaking of the food network, please, parents, teach your kids to cook. I don’t care if you have sons or daughters… teach them to cook. It isn’t sexist to teach your daughters to cook. It is a useful life skill. Have you seen the show on the food channel called: Worst Cooks In America? People are sending their children out into the world without having the ability to make toast or boil water.

This is just stupid!!! It means your kid is either going to spend their lives eating fast food or they have to start dating somebody who can cook. And when they are in college, you have to pay for all that… one way or another.

So yeah, my kids know how to cook…

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And not only does Mollie know how to cook, she has a flair, she has style…

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She knows about colors…

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She has fun with whatever she is doing…

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And food should be fun…

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Cooking is an art form…

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This wasn’t a particularly difficult project. But she enjoyed herself, we had quality time together…

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And we got to eat more cake…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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72 Responses to What to feed your ex-hippie Dead Head…

  1. benzeknees says:

    What no technicolor frosting? I learned how to cook over the phone. My mother went back to work when I was 12. She would take something out of the freezer each morning before she left for work. I would come home from school, phone her & ask “How do I cook this liver/pork chop/spaghetti/whatever?” She would give me instructions over the phone on what to do. When she came in the door at 5:30 p.m. she sat down to a fully cooked meal. My mother couldn’t teach me to cook by showing me – she hates other people in her kitchen watching her.

  2. longchaps2 says:

    Super Dad and Daughter team award. I think possibly a trophy is called for too. You guys rock and so does this cake. *****Applause****

  3. I love this! What a cutie pie for doing that. The cake looks delish! Her swirling of colors is better than what I could have done. I would have messed up and blended all the colors with no design! 🙂

  4. LVital7019 says:

    OMG! Do they have a gluten-free version!?? That is kind of awesome… Makes me sad my dad isn’t around to see that. :/

  5. nancytex2013 says:

    Cake makes me happy. Rainbow cake… triple happy! 🙂

  6. joehoover says:

    That looks better than the image on the packet

  7. El Guapo says:

    Hurray for cake!
    Nice job, Mollie.

  8. Love the colorful patterns on that cake. Lucky you to have such a great daughter and good cake!

  9. stephrogers says:

    OMG it’s a rainbow cake! I LOVE it!

  10. List of X says:

    This is how I imagine those famous Amsterdam’s brownies.

  11. kunstkitchen says:

    Where can I buy the mix?

  12. That is pretty damned cool.

  13. psychedelic! Oh and my Hubby is a trained cook. Guess who does the “cooking” here? (Hint, not him) pft

  14. This is the funkiest cake ever and you have an amazing daughter!

  15. That is the coolest cake mix I have ever seen. It sounds like you hit the kid lottery with Mollie. She did a great job on that cake. I agree about the whole cooking thing. We were taught really young how to fend for ourselves in the kitchen. However, I know young people now that don’t know how to use any kitchen appliance except the micro-wave.

  16. deepbluesandseafoamgreens says:

    When I saw the post in my reader, I was all “PFFT. EYES QUIT LYING”

    I haven’t been deceived. THIS IS LEGIT, DUDE!
    Well done!! This is SO COOL!!! (I’m sorry, I’m trying to express my excitement via caps lock..)

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