Okay… it might be my birthday today…

Or it might have been yesterday… or it might be one of the next two or three days… take that, identity thieves trolling for my personal info!!!

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Yes, we went out to dinner, and I opened presents, and then wore a bow on my head for most of the meal. I am just funny that way.


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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100 Responses to Okay… it might be my birthday today…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Belated Happy Birthday Art! I bet you were born on April 1, you fool!

  2. joehoover says:

    A belated birthday greeting to you! or maybe not. Who knows, do you?

  3. El Guapo says:

    Am I supposed to celebrate birthdays that don’t symbolize changing insurance age brackets or something?
    Happy Birthday, Art!

  4. Feliz Cumpleanos! Did anyone help you realize YOUR dreams? 🙂

  5. ladyryl says:

    Happy Natal Anniversary [whenever it is…]

    • Hey, I wasn’t born in Africa… who am I, Obama?
      see what I did there… wait… is Natal still a country in Africa?? Or did that whole joke make no sense… anyway, thanks.

  6. Happy Birthday, where’s the cake?! If it was your Birthday yesterday, it was also my Hubby’s Birthday. I made him cake 😉

  7. H.E. ELLIS says:


  8. Al says:

    Happy birthday chappy for whenever it isn’t

  9. nancytex2013 says:

    Happy maybe birthday, some day.

  10. Trent Lewin says:

    Dude, best wishes. You look great.

  11. jatwood4 says:

    Happy birthday, Arthur. I hope you get nuttier each day of this year. ☆

  12. Well, Happy Birthday or Happy Belated Birthday or Happy Early Birthday which ever the case may be. You look a lot like I do on my “may or may not be birthday” of course it is St. Patrick’s Day so I blend in with everyone else.

  13. ksbeth says:

    happy birthday someday this year!

  14. Eva says:

    Happy Bday! Or belated birthday, Art!

  15. Pingback: Oh, Henry. | Bleached Bone Valley

  16. AZ Gringa says:

    Well, Happy Birthday, ya old coot! I like the bow. It brings out the color of your eyes. 🙂

    Now, repeat after me: “GET OFF MY LAWN!”

  17. Rincewind says:

    Happy birthday to you, mine is today so will try to get me a good hat as well.

  18. Nadia says:

    Nice bow. Happy Birthday!!

  19. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Happy birthday on or around this date!

  20. Katie says:

    Happy birthday! From Oswald and clan

  21. Happy birthday. I can send you some very nice gifts if you give me your credit card number, social security number, and mailing address.

  22. List of X says:

    Happy birthday, Supreme Leader!

  23. djmatticus says:

    Happy happy joy joy! I hope you had a great one… and, I hope you have many more great ones too. 😀

  24. 1jaded1 says:

    Happy maybe might be birthday to you!

  25. Dan says:

    Well, happy birthday…or not.

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