How you can get famous… Part 4…

I am still trying to get you to come up with ideas for the fifth part of my action/comedy science fiction novel series. But don’t jump straight in on this post. You have to read the other three posts first, or else this post wont make sense… Ha! That was a joke! My posts never make any sense. I can’t believe you fell for that. Now go read them.

I will give you some visual aides to get your mental juices flowing. I am just trying to show how any crazy idea you can come up with will fit into the framework of the story, because the hero can go to any dimension we can think of.

So if you think it would be cool to have him visit a reality where Jerry Garcia is the President of the United States, we can do that…

a 5And that would be one heck of an inauguration party.

Or we can work together to create a dimension where the women have always been in charge. Where all the Presidents have been women. That would be awesome. We could see how the world would be different… better… because we all know that women are better at being in charge than men…

a 4Okay… I have to just hope that the people in that reality are smart enough not to have made her President… but then again, who knows? And that is why this is so much fun. Together, we can create stories about anything we can think of. I plan to keep this series going for a long time. Especially once they make it into a television series and blockbuster movies. And you have a chance to help create this freaky universe.

But it doesn’t have to be all silly ideas. It can be edgy. I am using the aliens to show how weird the human race is from an outsider’s perspective. So I need to focus on the bad things we do also. But because we are dealing with other dimensions, we can rewrite history.  There are universes out there where Africa ruled the world, and all the slaves were white…

a 3That might not sound funny to you… especially if you happen to be white… but finding the humor in dark situations is a gift that I happen to possess. I mean, in book three… ***spoiler alert***… our hero is being chased by alien assassins while he goes on a nonsensical trek around the circumference of the big alien space station where he used to be a janitor, and that ends up being full of hilarious moments.

So let your brain go crazy. What about a world where people worship giant chickens?

a 1I guess the only question we would have to ask ourselves is; What would Satan look like?

a 2

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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12 Responses to How you can get famous… Part 4…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Those men in cages need to have something on their bottoms – ouchy, ouchy!

  2. What the cluck? Chickens and Jerry Garcia! (Sorry must go get cherry ice cream now)

  3. jatwood4 says:

    You, my friend, may well be certifiably insane! But also a genius — great examples!

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