How to throw a party…

Throwing a party for a girl who is turning 14 can be tricky. Here are some tips…

a 1First, replace every single lightbulb in the house with black lights. And don’t forget to use lots of glowing decorations and glow sticks.

a 2Yes, covering the TV with poster paper will hurt, but it will only be for a few hours.

a 3Make sure the birthday girl has a mother and an older sister who are willing to spend hours making a really big cake out of Rice Crispy treat material made from scratch.

a 4Outside the sliding glass doors of the living room, put up a sunshade, hang it with sheets, then spray the sheets with tie dye paints.

a 5Now you have a small room where, if you remember to have this party after the sun sets, you can set up a strobe light.

a 6Kids like to dance in a blinding, flashing light.

a 7Don’t forget to decorate the hallways and even the bathrooms for the black lights. Oh, I should warn you that pee looks like green Gatorade under black light, so don’t get too freaked out by that.

a 8Make sure that the birthday girl has a really cool older sister with a really cool boyfriend who are not afraid to look like crazy people for the sake of a good time.

a 9Then get yourself dressed up. Go overboard. Go nuts, wild, crazy, insane. I recommend a nice shirt that looks good under black light. And some pink hair extensions. And zebra socks as a headband and scarf. Look, Mollie hardly even knows I am there… she is that used to me looking like a freak…

a 10If you want to mix it up a little, you can switch the zebra socks to your hands during the dancing part of the party. If they are long enough, and you have enough to let them dangle far past the ends of your fingers, you can make yourself look like one of those inflatable wiggley tall thin guys they use to advertise stores… you know… these guys…

a 1aDo not try this without black lights, or you will just look silly.

a 11But I will leave your style choices up to you. Who am I to judge?

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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37 Responses to How to throw a party…

  1. Eagle Tech says:

    Wow, and I thought throwing a party meant remembering to buy beer. When really on my game, I buy a large sub sandwich and cut it up. I’m seriously behind on this stuff

  2. ahaha it looks like fun!

  3. That is one cool partay! 😀

  4. benzeknees says:

    What an awesome father you are!

  5. judithatwood says:

    I can’t believe I am writing this, but I wish you’d been my dad when I was a teen — great party!

  6. paralaxvu says:

    Great Dad and Mom. AND older sister and boyfriend! I’m going to look for zebra socks the next time I’m in the store, just in case.

  7. hiddinsight says:

    This is exciting…did I mention it’s my birthday on saturday?

  8. joehoover says:

    This is….freaking awesome!!! Have you just set the bar really high or is that a normal birthday in your house?

    Can you organise the welcome wagon should I ever venture over to America please.

    Hope Mollie had a great birthday – I can’t see how she could fail to!

  9. Jean says:

    Good thing you waited until the black lights were turned on so you didn’t look silly.

    Also, green Gatorade tastes like pee too. I’m just sayin.’

    Happy birthday, birthday girl! I wish someone would have thrown me a party like that when i was 14, but I wasn’t that cool back then. Maybe I ought to throw myself a party like that NOW!

  10. I think you guys just earned the “Awesome Parents of the Year” award.

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