Enough with the pictures of reality… back to the weird stuff…

Let’s talk about bats…

a 4So you know how I say that I want this blog to be interactive. Which means I take requests. This makes me a little nervous, because it might be easy for you to think up funny things for me to play with in Photoshop, but I never know how carried away I am going to get with your ideas. Or where it is going to take me. I have started some of these projects and the next thing I know I have done weeks worth of silly pictures.

So I have this friend, and she calls herself Bats. You can visit her blog at:


And one time she casually mentions that she likes bats. Which I guess accounts for the name of her blog. And I replied that bats are cool. And she says I should do something with bats.

Well it is all fine and dandy for you to say ‘you should do something with so and so’. Have you learned nothing about the way my brain works from this blog? So I start thinking about bats. The whole time I was up in the Bay Area with my daughter Mollie I was thinking about bats. What can you do with bats? What makes bats cool… or funny? And I started thinking about what the world would be like if bats had evolved into the dominant species instead of primates. And the next thing I know there is a picture of the Pope… if he was a bat. Now say what you want about that picture, but if you want a Pope who is going to listen to your complaints, he dang well ought to have ears like that.

But what else can I do with bats? I started thinking about what history would be like with bats playing all the important roles…

a 2And it seems that things wouldn’t really be all that different with the bats in charge…

a 3Even modern life would be pretty much the same when you get right down to it…

a 1Rich bats would probably be jerks when they drove their expensive cars….

a 11But airplanes would be really freekin’ cool.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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12 Responses to Enough with the pictures of reality… back to the weird stuff…

  1. Ok saw this after the other. So my only issue is the bat driving the car. That’s not realistic because blind people aren’t yet allowed to drive legally

  2. benzeknees says:

    What about Batman? A bat super hero!

  3. Oh, yeah. Gregor is laughing. Me, too. Good job.

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