How Photoshop keeps my head from exploding… Part 6…

Sometimes, I just need to let the silliness out of my head…

I get these weird ideas… like what if the horse had become extinct and cowboys rode some other kind of animal instead…

Now most people would just let this idea pass right out the other side of their head…

But not me… oh no… I just let it rattle around in there…

Now and then I hear something perfectly harmless mentioned in casual conversation, and it just starts percolating in my skull. My daughter loves the movie Breakfast At Tiffany’s. The next thing you know, my head ends up in some awkward place… but at least the image isn’t still trapped in my brain…

I used Photoshop to do a picture of one of the aliens in my funny sci-fi novel which I hope to be publishing within the next few weeks…

But mostly, I just use it to get the silly out… like the time I spent a few days switching famous people’s mustaches around…

And that was a lot of fun…

Most people would have been satisfied to stop there… but not me… I had to keep thinking about it and thinking about it… and then I started to wonder what would happen if I stuck my mustache and my little soul patch goatee on other people’s faces… like Jennifer Lopez…

And President Obama…

And the Bieber…

And not only did I have fun, I also learned that my facial hair makes almost anybody look better… even me… and even Dick Cheney…

And the fact that I knew for sure after this experiment that I had chosen wisely when it came to facial hair just made me feel better about myself in particular and the universe in general…

And I admit that I may have gotten a little carried away… but at least I didn’t get carried away by men wearing white coats…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
This entry was posted in cartoons, Dick Cheney, dogs and other animals, funny famous people pictures, My art, Pictures of me, Stories of my life, thinking about stuff and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to How Photoshop keeps my head from exploding… Part 6…

  1. PigLove says:

    You crack me up!! Its your fault i just laughed so hard and woke up everyone snortinb. XOXO – Bacon

  2. benzeknees says:

    I don’t think your facial hair would look good on me – TMI?

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