Willy week… part 11…

One more reason to love this guy… and maybe be a little jealous…

Oh, Willy, you are making my life very interesting right now.

You know I do this blog so that I can get famous and then use that to entice a publisher into taking a chance and printing my sci-fi novel. So I try, between the silly pictures, to do some serious writing, even about silly topics, just to show that I can.

That is the only reason that my stats are so important to me… well, that and the fact that I am a shameless, self-serving egomaniac who loves to be the center of attention…

But ever since I started posting pictures of my friend Willy…

 my stats have been going a little haywire. In a good way.

Let’s just break it down, shall we?

On an average day, before the whole Willy thing started, I get about 50 to 100 hits. Sometimes a little more, now and then a little less. Weekends are always slow. I might get 20 to 40 hits per day then.

Then I started doing pictures of Willy.

On Saturday, when he first showed up, I got 131 hits.

Sunday, 116.

Monday, 174.

Today, 227.

Don’t get me wrong. Any hit is a good hit. And there was a day long ago when I got 1, 700 plus hits in one day… I still don’t know why… And I have had lots of other good days. But this seems to be a trend.

I pride myself on the number of comments I get, and I have some posts with hundreds of comments. But not all of them, oh no.

Since Willy arrived, he has gotten 266 comments… all of them very sweet and loving.

Now once again, half of these comments are mine, because I answer every comment I get on this blog, and WordPress adds those to the total I am fairly certain. But still, this kid is a phenomenon.

So have I been wasting my time trying to amuse people with my wit and charm and stories of my life?

Are you, even now, reading any of these words, or are you just looking at the pictures of the adorable baby?

Maybe I should stop telling stories and just scan all the pictures of my kids when they were little. Put them on the blog with no words at all, and my stats will stay crazy forever.

Hey, I am not bitter… maybe, as I said, a little jealous. But not bitter. Who could stay mad at that face?

But I will tell you one thing. I know Willy. And if you all disappear when he finishes his little one man show, this is the face he is going to give you…

And you wouldn’t want that, now would you?

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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74 Responses to Willy week… part 11…

  1. Tammy says:

    You and buckwheat are 85% of those smart comments…lol

  2. Red says:

    I am not going anywhere after Willy week…since I am more interested in the sci-fi novel.

  3. i like to think i’ve helped contribute to your comments and stats…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Lord have mercy! He IS growing up literally right before our eyes! Take for instance that pic in the orange striped shirt… Look at the size of that boy’s hands and feet in that one! He is definitely going to be taking after his papa in size and height if they are any indication, which they usually most definitely are. Sure hope for your sake he is a cool dude and does enjoy what you did to him as a baby when he gets older and way way way bigger. LOL. You only have babies for a year. After that they become children. Still fun and all but there is just something about babies. Sniff.

  5. -has bought front row seats tickets to the show. ❤

    • Yay. Help yourself to snacks. And do not wander off alone. There are quicksand pools and stuff.
      Just to warn you, this isn’t all about babies…
      There is some weird stuff back down there in the lower regions of the outpouring of my brain stem.

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