I swear, I used to be able to do art… part 1…

I have been using that digital image projector to do the sketching part of these paintings. Turns out that drawing the image isn’t the only hard part. Painting is hard too. Above, you see two of the pictures I am working on. They are both roses. One is an acrylic painting, and one is a watercolor.

That one is from a photo I took of my mom, falling asleep in a chair in her backyard. Remember, she was 99-years-old when I took it.

A watercolor of my wife and I, from a photo I took on our anniversary. She does not like to appear on the blog… and, to bee honest, the painting of her isn’t that good… yet.

Using the digital images means that I can not only use it to trace an object or person, but then I can put the image up on my laptop, and use that as a reference. I know, the rose in the photo is blue, but I used real wine to get that reddish color!

See, real wine! It has been mentioned that maybe I should warm up my rusty art skillz by doing something easier than roses and faces of real people. When do I ever listen?

The acrylic-painted rose is not any easier. Roses have deceptively difficult curls.

But the watercolors of me and my soul-brother are coming along.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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