Some pretty colors, just to flush the memory of those microscopic photos of my body from your mind…

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While I had my digital microscope hooked up, and when I was done giving myself that disturbing medical examination, I decided to do something for you to take the taste of my moles out of your mouths. If you don’t know what that means, you haven’t been following along.

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I used the microscope to take some close up pictures of those light disks that make holograms out of light when you spin them and point a light at them… seriously, try to keep up… things move pretty fast around here. At the speed of light, even. HA!

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Or at least at the speed of a squirrel on crack, like the ones living in my cranium.

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I was just moving the microscope around over the disks, playing with the focus and the brightness of the built-in light.

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See, that is a good image of the built-in light being reflected.

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What I learned from this experimentation is that the angle I held the microscope made all the difference.

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I also learned that the disk with the paperclips on it… oh, come on, go back and read these from the beginning, we will wait for you… really is too scratched to work well anymore.

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But it is still interesting close up.

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Okay, I have a few more of these, and some of the… uh… other experiments with light that I was doing, before I got sidetracked with this… and then, maybe we can try doing some interesting digital and Photoshop magic to some of these images and see what happens?


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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8 Responses to Some pretty colors, just to flush the memory of those microscopic photos of my body from your mind…

  1. kunstkitchen says:

    Really special. Good composition and color. Would make beautiful framed prints👏🏻

  2. I flushed the sight of your body parts out of mind even before I closed out of the post. I recovered pretty quickly. This post is colorfully schematic and more enticing. 🙂

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