Making your dreams come true… part 11…

I try to tell people that in order for me to make your dream come true it really helps if you actually have a dream. Tell me you always wanted to be a pirate or a mermaid or Doctor Who. Or that you wonder what you would look like as a monkey. Or that, even though you were born a man, you really want to be a Victoria’s Secret model. These are ideas I can work with. You can also look at the other pictures in this series… it goes back a ways, so you might have to do a search… and get some ideas… nobody cares if you steal their dreams.

Once again, a trusting soul has sent me pictures and left it up to the crack squirrels living in my head to decide her fate. I am touched by this trust… thank you:

Let’s see what the squirrels came up with…

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Hey… that’s not too bad… and I can see how there is something about your smile in that picture that reminded them of Natasha. At least they didn’t make into Boris or that other guy.

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Well, that is actually sort of artistic. I don’t know what you would call that, but I like it.

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I guess if you send a picture of you wearing dark glasses and a raincoat that looks like a trench coat, you are going to end up photo bombing James Bond.

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And it is the best of all the James Bonds, so that’s cool.

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And, see, there they go, I knew they would start getting weird. I am going to tell them to stop now… before you end up as a three-headed goat mutant.

Now everybody go and visit her blog.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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24 Responses to Making your dreams come true… part 11…

  1. benzeknees says:

    I think it would be nice if you showed what you started with before you do all the manipulating. Then we could appreciate your genius (pay no attention to my crossed fingers behind my back)

  2. Love them all! When I figure out what I want to be when I grow up, I will send you my pic so you can photoshop me to death! 🙂

  3. msmonsterful says:

    She makes a great Natasha. 😀

  4. Trent Lewin says:

    I always wanted to be you! Make it so.

  5. Al says:

    Fantastic. Would have preferred seeing them on my bigger screen. Hmm. I wonder …

  6. 🙂 James Bond photo bomb! Yes!

  7. Paul says:

    Wow Art – you photoshoppers must visit the same photo mall.

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