Oh, and I got two new Tweets from Eric Idle of Monty Python… so for those of you keeping score of my celebrity Twitter stalking… that’s 6 from Eric Idle, 1 from William Shatner, 2 from Ricky Gervais, 1 from James May of Top Gear, and 4 from Dana Carvey, who is still following me on Twitter for some unknown reason… but still no love from Hugh Laurie, dang it.

  1. Okay, these are not in order, and part of the conversation is missing, and there is no context, but still… be jealous… be very jealous…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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33 Responses to Oh, and I got two new Tweets from Eric Idle of Monty Python… so for those of you keeping score of my celebrity Twitter stalking… that’s 6 from Eric Idle, 1 from William Shatner, 2 from Ricky Gervais, 1 from James May of Top Gear, and 4 from Dana Carvey, who is still following me on Twitter for some unknown reason… but still no love from Hugh Laurie, dang it.

  1. benzeknees says:

    I get email alerts from Jamie Lee Curtis, nanananana booboo!

  2. You have definitely formed an Eric Idle bond.

  3. stephrogers says:

    And the award for the longest title of a blog post in the history of forever goes to….drum roll….Art!

  4. Paul says:

    Eric Idle is looking fit in his picture.

  5. I’ve got a Shatner, two Kevin Pollack, one Steve Byrne and one John Lennon.

  6. I wonder if you could get one from Bill Cosby…

  7. Doobster418 says:

    Wow! I am impressed. And I’m too envious to even comment on this post. I’ve never received even a single tweet from a celebrity. Of course, I don’t have a Twitter account, which might be a contributing factor.

  8. djmatticus says:

    Cleverness abounds. And, yes, I am sufficiently jealous.

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