Welcome to the jungle… part 1…

Okay, I admit it… I took a lot of pictures of the jungle on the road to Hana on Maui…

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Driving that car on that road was awesome. Yes, it rained off and on, but you can’t really have a jungle without rain…

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And the rain does help keep the waterfalls flowing…

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The very first of the famous waterfalls of the Hana road that we found were these delightful little set of double falls…

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And it didn’t take me long to figure out that even in a jungle, there are a lot of different kinds of jungle…

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There are roots and vines growing down over little caves, and places where the foliage was just so think you couldn’t have crawled through it…

a 1 a 6And the bamboo… man, there was a lot of bamboo of so many types. There were hills covered in bamboo, and there was crazy big patches of this really fat kind of bamboo…

a 1 a 7Is that a monkey? Oh… wait… sorry… that’s me in that bamboo. Of course, there was the ocean too…

a 1 a 8Ocean and jungle are a cool combination. You can see the Hana road cut into the hillside over there. But even the ocean like the jungle itself, had many moods. When the sun was shining, the ocean was a spectacular blue like you would expect from an ocean around a tropical island. But when the clouds came over, it took on a slightly more sinister appearance…

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That looks a little like Northern California. I guess it doesn’t really look all that sinister in that shot, but we will get back to that. The point here is that if you ever go to Maui, get yourself a crazy-colored Mustang convertible and drive this road…

a 1 a 10 You don’t even have to get out of the car to see some awesome views…

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About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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28 Responses to Welcome to the jungle… part 1…

  1. OH! This is totally worth getting frizzy hair for!

  2. Paul says:

    Wow, wow, wow. That is some amazing turf. And the monkey peeking out of the bamboo looks like a transplanted species…Ha!

  3. PiedType says:

    The word “lush” comes to mind …

  4. That car pretty much blends in with all the foliage. It’s like a camo car.

  5. Trent Lewin says:

    Love the car, love the colours… love everything about it. I gots to visit that place someday.

  6. A piece of heaven 🙂

  7. Julie says:

    How very cool! I really think I need to go to Maui….

  8. Al says:

    Those are stunning

  9. Umm… do I need to remind you that you are, in fact, a monkey?

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