Making your dreams come true… part 6…

Here is a dream many of you can relate to… because we all know Betty Rubble was way hotter than Wilma…

My new friend, Nancytex2013, over at:    hey, simmer down, it is exercise sweat, nothing weird… asked me to make a simple dream come true. She wanted to be Betty Rubble…

Turned out to be trickier than I thought… but here it is…

a 1 a 2

It is sort of subtle… you can see her in there, but she is still mostly Betty. Here is the picture she let me use…

a 1 a 1

I think it works, but I am taking a risk on this one.


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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35 Responses to Making your dreams come true… part 6…

  1. benzeknees says:

    This one didn’t work so well because she chose a pic that was too sunny!

  2. I like the way she thinks. Betty Rubble…rocks!

  3. I’m going to have to get in on this action, Art! Love all the realized dreams.

  4. samara says:

    I want to be a Mad Max style warrior punk chick!!!
    I can give you my Bitstrip gravatar for the face!
    I’m sooo jealous. It’s not even 8 am and I already have blog envy.

  5. El Guapo says:

    Great job! She looks so…animated. 😉
    (Did they exercise in Bedrock?)

  6. emma says:

    Ok, you need a new hobby. This is getting kinda creepy .. are you stalking people? Maybe you should branch out and advertise in a jail newspaper! (JK, I think.)

  7. Trent Lewin says:

    So freaking disturbing… I feel my childhood being shredded in the back room…

  8. nancytex2013 says:

    Never realized what a jowly girl Betty was. 🙂

    Thank you for making my dream come true Art!

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