Oh yeah… we made sushi…

Some of you may remember back at Christmas when I posted the sushi-making kit my daughter Mollie gave me. Well we finally got around to making some sushi…

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I know, not everyone is a fan of sushi… and it is quite a process to make it… but Mollie and I had fun…

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There is Mollie showing off her knife skills on some fake crab… yes, they make fake crab… it is some kind of fish with artificial crab flavoring and some red dye to make it look more crabby. Mollie is not a fan of raw fish, so she went with the California roll…

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Cutting the vegetables and fish up takes some real talent… it has to be cut in tiny little strips…

a b a 4While she was slicing the fake crab, I made some nigiri-zushi… that is not a typo, that is Japanese for ‘squeezed sushi… it is the easiest kind to make… a simple oblong of squeezed rice and a little raw salmon on top… yum… The trickiest part of sushi making is getting the rice nice and sticky. I suggest you get one of those rice makers.

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There is Mollie spreading the rice on her nori… the seaweed you use to hold sushi rolls together… you have to get your fingers wet for this part… because the rice is sticky…

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Look at her lining up those thinly-sliced ingredients…

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She did a pretty good job of rolling it… and it isn’t easy… she could get a job in a Cuban cigar factory… or backstage at a Cheech and Chong show… HA!

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There is my very first sushi roll… I used the fake crab and some salmon… and avocado, cucumber and carrots.

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Oh yeah… I rolled a fat one…  The most important part of the whole process is having a really sharp knife… also dipped in water… to cut the rolls with…

We didn’t have a really sharp knife…

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So they aren’t perfect… but that was some awesome daddy-daughter bonding time, and they tasted pretty good.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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35 Responses to Oh yeah… we made sushi…

  1. benzeknees says:

    The fake crab stuff is called pollock! And I love it – one of my favorite fish because it’s a firm white fish. You can buy it non-crabized too & bread it with beer batter & it makes excellent fish & chips! Never had sushi in my life & have no desire to try it now, but I’m glad you had great father/daughter bonding time!

  2. I’ve been craving sushi for over a week. I’ve never been brave enough to make it myself and we have a great place that delivers. Then I never have to get off the couch. Well, except to answer the door…

  3. Although I won’t eat anything raw, I’m sure the time with your daughter was precious and the pics are great. I do like seaweed or weed, or seaweed…lol (Not really weed)

  4. joehoover says:

    Love sushi! Looks great. And I am liking Trent’s recommendation of sushi in California, I’ll be eating plenty of that when I’m over.

    Why bother cooking food, I had steak tartar the other night. Delicious.

  5. Sushi is not one of my favourite things but it actually looks like there is a real art (heheheh, accidental Art) behind it. It seems to be a lot of work, but worth it for that special time with your daughter.

  6. Out of curiosity, where did you buy the sushi-grade fish? I mean, I hope you bought sushi grade fish. It would suck if you or your daughter experienced parasites or food poisoning or other negative repercussions because you didn’t use the right seafood.

  7. Xavier Yes says:

    You look like you know what you’re doing a lot more than I would know what I was doing. Bamboo mat and everything.

  8. Trent Lewin says:

    Excuse me as I drool… I did not know you loved sushi, that’s definitely something we have in common. I always think sushi on your coast tastes better than sushi anywhere else I’ve ever had it.

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