Well… I do pride myself on having an interactive blog… so…

… when somebody says they want me to make them into a cartoon/comic book super hero, all I can say in reply is: be careful what you wish for…

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So I stole the picture of her head from her gravatar image… you know… like I do… and stuck it on a super hero body from an old post I did featuring one of the trainers from our gym when he dressed up as Any Time Fitness Man for a parade we took part in.

Then I changed the gym logo on the front of the suit to an I, because my friend calls herself: Inspiretheworld2day… even though her blog is called: http://anewperspectiveperhaps.wordpress.com/

Now, using one of my super powers… cutting and pasting… I will share her request she made to me:


Just make me like a miniature superwoman who never fatigues, can clean a house in less than a minute flat, can cause pain to people who try to intimidate me by looking at their eyes and maybe my superpower can be people following what I want them to do with out the hassle of me asking more than twice. My superpower has to be purple and have a really cool shape that only I can see and yeas! I must be able to fly. No more sitting in traffic for me 🙂


Some of you may have jumped to the conclusion that my adding a vacuum cleaner to her picture was sexist on my part. That is why I added her request. You can clearly see that she mentioned the house cleaning as a superpower. So you were wrong… sort of… I wasn’t a sexist when I add the vacuum cleaner. I was a sexist when I added a purple one that matched her outfit… HA!

Now, using my other super powers… the filters in Photoshop… all I had to do was change the real picture to a cartoon style…

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That was my favorite… but I had to try a few before I settled on that one…

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That is sort of cool.

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And I like that one.

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Well this is just plain fun.

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Not too bad.

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Okay… that’s enough purple for one day.


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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264 Responses to Well… I do pride myself on having an interactive blog… so…

  1. knowledge100taster says:

    this is what happens when you have boredom and PS 😐

  2. benzeknees says:

    Purple’s my favorite color, so this post resonated with me!

  3. Love this! Hahahaha! I think she will too! Good job!

  4. This is GREAT!!!! Very fitting for such a strong woman! LOVE IT! 🙂

  5. Reblogged this on anewperspectiveperhaps and commented:
    I asked for it….thanks Art!

  6. holley4734 says:

    Wow! That’s awesome. 🙂 Are you taking superhero requests? lol

  7. jatwood4 says:

    The second-to-;ast photo is my favorite — I get a true comic book feeling from that one. Very Cool!

  8. OmG! I absolutely love it! That is hysterical! And I feel all official now like a real superhero! And the “I” genius! I love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you especially for the gigantic laugh I got out of your creativity. I rock now and you do too! You da man! May I reblog?

  9. Elyse says:

    When you do a comic superhero of me (whom you have never seen), please do not add a vacuum cleaner. Add a wad of cash so that I can pay someone else to vacuum for me. Or put my husband (whom you also have never seen)behind the vacuum cleaner. Or have him pay the maid service, that would work for me, too.

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