How you make me feel… Part 6…

Okay, I admit it. You make me feel this awesome!

a 10When you come here and pay attention to me, I feel a little like Johnny Depp. I don’t mean to imply that I think I really am him. Just that when you read my words and look at my pictures and art, and listen to my songs, I feel like I really am funny and quirky…

a 8 And I feel like you see occasional moments of brilliance behind the craziness…

a 7And sometimes, when I am releasing a few inner demons, like my anger and hatred of that Dick Cheney guy, that maybe you all get that there is a slightly dark and mysterious side to me as well…

a 9Now if I could just be as well paid as Mr. Depp…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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5 Responses to How you make me feel… Part 6…

  1. First the Johnny Depp look works for you. Second the crazy look works for you. Third, we need all of your secrets!

  2. benzeknees says:

    How can there be anything dark & mysterious about you when you keep telling us all your secrets?

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