Willie and the aliens… Part 5…

I turn a cute kid into a few cute aliens and that just isn’t enough for you people. You want to see Willie as a bad alien. And since I pride myself on having an interactive blog, I have no choice but to honor your requests…

a 1But I don’t want to piss Willie’s parents off. I want to be able to keep doing pictures of him when the mood hits me. So I am not doing a picture of him popping out of somebody’s stomach. I have to draw the line somewhere… even though I have been accused of not knowing where ‘the line’ is…

a 2I hope this compromise will satisfy you. Now say goodbye to our adorable little spaceman…

a 3

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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125 Responses to Willie and the aliens… Part 5…

  1. One small step for a Willie…

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