Willy week… part 4…

(or): The logical conclusion to Romantic Monday!

I know that all of you have just two questions burning through your minds at this moment.

Question number 1.

Who is this adorable child you have been going on and on about?

Question number 2.

How am I possibly going to tie the kid in with Ed Hotspur’s ongoing project to get his followers to do a romantic post every Monday?

(To see what other people have done with this sweet idea this week, please visit Ed’s blog for convenient links.  http://http://edwardhotspur.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/xxx-a-morning-after-romantic-monday-post/ )

Okay, here is the story.

First, let me share a picture of the love of my life…

No, I don’t mean me… I mean my lovely wife Cherilyn… but I can see how, if you know me at all, you might have jumped to that conclusion… sigh…

Now pull the camera back just a little, if you please…

Who is that tall, handsome fellow looming in the background, I hear you all wondering? That is our friend John. Who was also the best man at our wedding. John and Cherilyn grew up near each other in San Diego, and were friends in school. They also got accepted to U.C. Berkeley, and moved to the Bay Area together… well, not together as a couple, but you see what I mean. He protected her like a brother, and since he is bigger than me by a good few inches, and you may recall that I am 6 feet 4 inches tall, that is pretty good protecting. So a few years later, that is how I met Cherilyn when we were both working at Tower Records in Berkeley, me in the art department and her downstairs doing whatever it was those people did… Cherilyn and I talked to Whoopi Goldberg in the store once, and Cherilyn sold a Stevie Wonder album to Carlos Santana. Plus we got free tickets to all the best rock shows. It was a cool place to work, but I will do a name dropping post some other time.

Now you may remember.. if you are new, you will just have to go back through the old posts and look for them. (see how I always try to get you to do that? Get used to it)… that last summer, our family went to the Bay Area to go to a wedding. I did a whole series of posts on it. A cool western, outdoorsy theme, fake mustaches, beautiful mountain backdrop with a river. If you are still drawing a blank, I will refresh your memory…

That is John and I at his wedding. Don’t even ask what he is whispering in my ear. So, yeah, awesome wedding. A crazy weekend… I promised I wasn’t going to cry… sniff…

And here is John and the lovely bride, Eva…

 Yes, you may recall that when I did the original wedding posts, I mentioned that the bride was pregnant. And that is a beautiful thing, not one of those ‘he just married her because’ kind of a thing. When you see them together, you know it is true love. My personal theory is that subconsciously, John knows we are getting older, and he was in a rush to have a kid while he is still young enough to keep up… (Ha. Sorry, John. I tease out of love and perhaps a smidgen of jealousy, because your life is so dang cool)…

So there you go. That is how a friendship between two people helped me find love, which ties into the whole romance thing, and romance, after all, is what leads two people to get married and have a baby…


About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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99 Responses to Willy week… part 4…

  1. Pingback: Showers Of Petals – A Morning After Romantic Monday Post | Edward Hotspur

  2. hiddinsight says:

    Awwww. I love this!!! Heart warming.

  3. Red says:

    Fabbo romance entry. Adore the wedding photos. I love babies also. May be why I had so many.

    Congrats to John & Eva. Willy is terrific.

    Does this make you a godfather?

  4. Jean says:

    Wee Willy looks like he’s got something to say. I can’t wait for him to say it. You will post that, won’t you?

  5. thecheekydiva says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! What an awesome story!

  6. John says:

    You are one sweet man Arthur!! I’m glad Willy week is a hit. Whichever sense of it you want to take. 😉

    From that wedding photo, I’m not sure I wasn’t the one who was pregnant. Sigh…

  7. in your fist pic, i wasn’t wondering about who the other guy was, i was wondering about the top hat??
    in the last pic, that look on your friends face is pure love for his baby, captured so well.

  8. robpixaday says:

    Great minds —

  9. robpixaday says:


  10. sj says:

    1. I love your wedding photos. They are awesome.

    2. I can’t even believe I’m saying this because it sounds like it’s for suresies a euphemism, but I LOVE WILLY WEEK! That is one adorable kid.

    3. HI, JOHN AND EVA! Your baby is absolutely beautiful. ❤

    • I think they are reading this. I hope they see all the comments. Willy week is a huge hit.
      You are right, though. There is no way to say Willy week that doesn’t sound a little wrong… ha!

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