Things I would do to see my wife smile…

(or); Romantic Mondays are for sissies, a real man can be romantic for a whole week…

Here is the first of what may be a long series of posts. These are just silly things I would do to see a smile light up my wife’s face. Because I love it when she smiles…

I would juggle rabid skunks while standing on one foot on top of a beach ball. I was going to do flaming rabid skunks, but this seemed unnecessarily cruel… (even though it would have looked awesome)…

I would stuff a crack squirrel down the front of my pants. I am sort of counting on the fact that my wife wouldn’t be amused by this, but if it would make her laugh, I would do it…

Yes, I would streak through Congress while it was in session, to make my wife smile. That is how much I love her…

And I would put on a monkey suit to make her smile. I would also fling my own poo at passing strangers if she thought that was funny, but once again I doubt that it would come to that.

(This post is inspired by an idea of Ed Hotspur’s, who created the Romantic Monday posts as a central clearinghouse to let his more-talented blog friends have a place to meet once a week and talk smack about him. Follow the link to see what others are doing to spice up their romance factors); http://

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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63 Responses to Things I would do to see my wife smile…

  1. xmatman says:

    I’d love to be your neighbor on a rainy day! 😀

  2. Those skunks don’t look rabid but rather stuffed, which is way less dangerous though slightly more sad that you would kill and stuff a skunk…

  3. Pingback: Cherry Blossom Puzzle – A Rainy Romantic Monday Post | Edward Hotspur

  4. hiddinsight says:

    Streaking through congress…wow. That’s commitment right there. Romance is in the air…

  5. Pingback: Romantic Monday~ A Dreadful Poem « The Cheeky Diva

  6. annotating60 says:

    It is a fact of life, that wives are difficult to please and even harder for them to appreciate who you are, especially without the theatrics.>KB

  7. GingerSnaap says:

    Sigh. This is the most romantic thing I have ever read!

  8. Trent Lewin says:

    By the way. All praise to the fucking monkey!

  9. Trent Lewin says:

    I reblogged your ass. Literally.

  10. Shards Of DuBois says:

    Liar…you would not do the crack squirrell! lmao would not! 😛

  11. Pingback: MY SEASON OF LOVE – A ROMANTIC MONDAY POST « hastywords

  12. Trent Lewin says:

    Reblogged this on Trent Lewin and commented:
    For those curious about the picture of the monkey, he has finally made an appearance. He is a gentleman monkey, you understand. This is also a great fun post, and I unashamedly find it cute. Even the skunks. But maybe not the naked guy.

  13. Trent Lewin says:

    You rock dude, and I find this very romantic (said in completely heterosexual tone). I am also glad that you have finally revealed the picture of the monkey. I am now proceeding to reblog this, because a) the monkey is important and b) you rock. Well done.

  14. thecheekydiva says:

    If that ain’t romance, I don’t know what is.

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