I got my eye on you…

(or); The eyes have it…

(or); Eye eye, Captain…

(or); Didn’t your mother teach you it isn’t polite to stare…

(or); Eye, carumba…

(or); I spy with my little eye…

(or); Ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ eyes…

(or); Eye, Claudius…

Eye could go on, but eye probably shouldn’t.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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36 Responses to I got my eye on you…

  1. Tammy says:

    Eye think eyeveryone has has no eyeda how how freaky this is but eye do

  2. Miss Rambler says:

    someone needs to stop you before you pun again

  3. IzaakMak says:

    Love, love, LOVE animated GIFs! Eye just wish eye could think of something clever to add!!! 😀

  4. Next Stop, Willoughby says:

    or, I only have eyes for you.

  5. joehoover says:

    It’s like you are following a fly around the room

  6. I hate to do a comment on my own post… but I can’t stop looking at that picture of me. I look sort of cute… and the eyes follow me wherever I go… go ahead, try it… get up, walk anywhere in the room and look at the picture. I can see right into your soul.

  7. Dear pmao,

    I seem to remember you being the one who kept whining about my nun’s eyes scaring you.

    Love Dotty xxx

  8. Lilly says:

    The eyes are the windows to the soul. 😀

  9. Mooselicker says:

    You’re good at eye jokes. If you can come up with a few good ones within the next 2 hours I will use them tonight at the bar I go to. The bartender has an eye infection and will be wearing an eye patch. Last week all I really had were pirate jokes. I’m also afraid Snake Plissken is too obscure.

  10. hiddinsight says:

    Eye am sooo glad they are blue today…yay!

  11. Eye’m impressed. 🙂

  12. Eye just don’t know what to say!

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